Children deserve fully functioning, natural, loving, dedicated relationships with both of their parents, equally, in and out of marriage, whenever possible. Joint physical custody and co-parenting can benefit families, especially children. I'm an advocate for collaborative or cooperative, shared or co-parenting, as well as laws that encourage equality: a strong presumption for both parents', as well as extended family's involvement in children's lives.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

America's parents speak out

"When I went to court, I was completely ignored. The judge did not acknowledge my presence at all...I had no problem with what my ex said...we filled them out and filed them together.

But the judge, later on, on his own, changed things in the final decision that my ex and I did not know about till we got the papers in the mail.

I am now...mournfully missing my kids, wishing everyday that I could just give them a hug and hold them for five minutes...just so I could tell them how much I love them."

KC, mother, USA - Shared Parenting Works

"If someone were to walk up to me and kick me square in the groin for
absolutely no good reason, it would be nothing compared to the pain, suffering and humiliation that I and my children have suffered at the hands of the divorce industry. "

JB, father, USA - Fathers4Justice U.S.


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