Children deserve fully functioning, natural, loving, dedicated relationships with both of their parents, equally, in and out of marriage, whenever possible. Joint physical custody and co-parenting can benefit families, especially children. I'm an advocate for collaborative or cooperative, shared or co-parenting, as well as laws that encourage equality: a strong presumption for both parents', as well as extended family's involvement in children's lives.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

4 of 5 dads want more time with their kids

Corporation for Public Broadcasting Omsbudsman tells PBS to get real

Hurray for our side! We're one step closer to getting the truth told. CPB omsbudsman Ken A. Bode has confirmed the bias and slanted content of Breaking the Silence, the Children's Stories. You can see his report HERE. If you'd like to thank Ken you can reach him HERE. Thanks to Glenn Sacks and Fathers and Families for their campaigns to protest this unbalanced anti-father film. If you'd like to thank Glenn you can reach him HERE. If you'd like to thank Ned Holstein of F&F you can reach him HERE. I so look forward to seeing one of our films on PBS.


KY family court psych evaluator in hot water

If your Kentucky custody case involved a psychology evaluation by G. Steven Alexander you should read this:

    MURRAY, Ky. -- A state-licensed counselor who was hired to perform court-ordered mental competency evaluations has been charged with nine counts of practicing psychology without a license.

    Officials are looking into whether the charges against G. Steven Alexander could force them to reopen cases in which he testified, including child custody, domestic violence and guardianship cases.

The rest of the article is HERE.


Four out of five UK dads want more time with their children

Now why wasn't that the title to the article I just read in The Scotsman? That's what I got out of the piece. No, they called it The 'new dad' is a myth, as survey finds him too busy for childcare. How sad, like it's the dad's choice. That's not what the piece says:

    Only a fifth of fathers said they had no complaints about the amount of time they could devote to their offspring...Ms Henniker-Major said: "Not only are fathers spending less time with their children than mothers, they are also more likely to feel dissatisfied with the amount of time they get to spend with their child. "Perhaps this is the 'new dad' - a father who wants to be more involved in his child's upbringing but, due to other pressures, finds this is not possible."

John Murtari taking the heat for child support debtors

John Murtari of A Kids Right has decided to challenge his "driving with a suspended license" offense on the grounds it's unconstitutional to take a parent's driver's license for non-payment of child support. He has asked for a trial instead of simply paying the fine. And not just that...he has admitted to the judge and DA that he drove without his license an additional 100 times. His trial is December 12. Please show him your support. You can read about his case HERE. I gotta give it to John. This is one man who is definately not all talk. First he climbed the structure at Hillary Clinton's office in Syracuse, now this. Good luck John.


Six-minute video of interest

I'd like to thank Marc Snider of New Hampshire Custody for this interesting short video.


Monday, November 28, 2005

Fathers4Justice activists unite in marriage

I'm very happy to announce that my dear friends, Fathers4Justice activists, Artur Oborski (DaddyArtur) and Mary Priddice (AlienMary) have united in marriage. Mary and Artur make their home in the U.K. I wish them a lifetime of love and happiness.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Fathers4Justice-Canada - Superman and Hulk on crane - Universal Children's Day

Fathers4Justice-Canada's Superman and The Hulk
scaled the New Westminster Supreme Court crane
to protest inequality and injustice in the family courts
and to mark Universal Children's Day 2005

At 5:45 AM the morning of November 19th the BC Hulk and Superman
entered a construction site on Carnarvon street in New
Westminster BC and after first climbing atop a shack
proceeded to climb down into a 50 foot hole in the ground,
only to climb back out upon a tower crane 150 feet in
the air. The fog was extremely heavy and conditions slick.

After getting aloft our superheros put out their
banners and awaited further instruction. At 7:00 AM
construction workers arrived upon the site unaware of
the superheros aloft. In fact, the crane operator
scaled the crane to set about his work with no idea of
the superheros upon it. Upon encountering the heros he
was in utter shock. After a lengthy conversation with the
construction foreman, our superheros descended from their perch
due to heavy fog.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

My podcast interview, London protest, San Diego Men's Center

I'd like to thank Dennis at 101 Uses for Baby Wipes for chatting with me on his podcast. Dennis has a podcast and blog about fatherhood. Stop by and tell him Hello.

You can find our talk here. (My interview starts 19 minutes in.) Or better yet subscribe to 101 Uses for Baby Wipes at Yahoo Podcasts.

You can leave a voice comment for Dennis at (805) 624-5610 (MAIL-610) or Usesforwipes on Skype.

~ ~ ~

Whose Child Next?
Protest against Family Court Secrecy and Stolen Children

Various groups will be meeting at the Royal Courts Justice
The Strand, London WC1
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
November 21st

    No more must so called "expert" testimony be shrouded in secrecy, no more children must be removed because of the protection the secret family courts affords those who appear before them only to mislead or lie about what has happened and no more should the secret family courts be used to develop and progress theory so that it eventually emerges as fact, stamped, signed and sealed in a shroud.
    There are many children "lost in care" there are others who are adopted and know nothing of their natural parents nor any other birth family members.

    Bring banners bearing the logo "ABDUCTED IN SECRET BY THE STATE". The children who are being bought up out there are the "MISSING" and as such Yellow Ribbons will be worn to acknowledge their fate.

    We will stand by the road side with pictures of our children when they were babies, so they can't be identified, with one banner saying "MISSING".

    Please blow up your baby photos to A4 size slip them into a plastic cover so they don't get damaged and bring them with you. We will line the Strand with the faces of our children stolen by the state.

    One day, at least our children will know that they were not abandoned, that their parents loved them very much, but were prevented from fighting for them in a so-called democracy.
For more information contact E.C.Lucy-Robillard at (44) (0) 207 460 4149

~ ~ ~

San Diego Men's Center

~ ~ ~

San Diego Second Wives Club
San Diego Men's Center

third Tuesday of each month
7:00 p.m.
932 C Street

    The Department of Child Support Enforcement euphemistically refers to married again people as "present partners". Which may be an apt description considering all the baggage a present partner may be confronted with when dealing their partner’s continuing contested divorce, false accusations, harassing phone calls, parental alienation, economic issues, family interference, and other dynamics involved with a difficult ousted spouse. Dilemmas such as those cause incredible strain on the newer relationship, a strain that can cause another divorce or separation. Hence the relevance of the phrase "present spouse", as if there may soon be another one. If you are a second or present wife or husband, come join the group and discuss related issues, shared experiences and events. No invitation or advance notice required as long as you are emancipated or over the age of 18. A donation of $10 or more is requested, but not required. Just show up and be among friends.

Also check out the Second Wives cafe, an online support group for second or present wives.

~ ~ ~

Coalition of Parent Support Meetings
San Diego Men's Center

second Wednesday of each month
7:00 pm
932 C Street

    The Coalition of Parent Support (COPPS) is a well established parents' rights organization. Come join us and hear interesting guest speakers, participate in activism efforts if you wish, be around others with extensive contested child custody cases, find out about legislative reform efforts, and learn about a host of things concerning false accusations, child custody, child support, domestic violence, restraining orders. You can check our website site under "News and Events" for guest speakers and other COPPS activities.
~ ~ ~

Call 619-231-1909 or email the San Diego Men's Center for more information about these and other meetings.

~ ~ ~

Friday, November 18, 2005

Dutch Dads Do Daring Deed, rallies and meetings galore

Dutch Fathers4Justice Dads Scale John Frost Bridge

Today three fathers from the Dutch branch of Fathers 4 Justice scaled the John Frost Bridge in Arnhem. The bridge became infamous after the Battle of Arnhem in World War II and later in the film 'A Bridge Too Far'.

Dutch activists Jheroen Sistermans (in purple wig), and two fellow protesters known only as Claus and Jeffrey, scaled the bridge displaying a banner that reads "Stop the War on My Father" (in English) and wearing T-shirts (in Dutch) that read 'Justice is Coming.'

With this action, the Fathers hope to show that politicians Ella Kalsbeek (Partij Van De Arbeid) and Marleen de Pater (Christian Democrat Association) are going 'a bridge too far' in sabotaging the new family law of Ruud Luchtenveld (VVD). Next week this the proposed law will be discussed in parliament for the 5th time! Up till now Kalsbeek & de Pater have asked for changes every time.

Said Dutch F4J leader Andy Work, "It is ironic that 60 years after the Dutch were liberated from a tyrannical regime, that now Dutch children are being subjected to the tyranny of the failed family courts. One in five Dutch children are denied access to half their family, whilst the (Dutch) CSA are increasing their attempts to persecute fathers to extract yet more money."

The Dutch branch of Fathers 4 Justice was set up shortly after the UK group was founded, with the same objectives of bringing about equality in family law.



Saturday November 19th
8:00 am
New Westminster Courthouse
651 Carnarvon St.
New Westminster, BC

A gathering to reflect on the lack of action by governments at all levels to institute clear direction to the judiciary with respect to every child’s right to be raised by both of his or her parents equally.

This is an event organized by Fathers-4-Justice and it is expected that there might be some surprise events in store with possible appearances by superheroes.

Fathers-4-Justice (Canada) is a direct action oriented organization committed to advancing the right of every child to enjoy the benefits of a lifelong meaningful relationship with both of his or her parents regardless of the status of the relationship between his or her parents. As outlined in Article 7 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Fathers4Justice-Canada, Vancouver BC Regiment, invites everyone to a peaceful demonstration tomorrow in front of the New Westminster Supreme Courthouse, weather permitting. Bring signs and noisemakers!

Contact: Hal LEGERE, Director
Fathers-4-Justice (Canada)
778 837-1224

Kevin Christiaens
Fathers-4-Justice (Canada)
(604) 953-1976


Fathers4Justice-Canada is also planning their 2005 Santa March, which will coincide with the International Santa March-4-Family Justice. To see videos of the 2004 march and to register for this year's event visit this F4J-CA webpage.

My love and a shout-out to Phill and Llewy in Wales ---->


The National Fund The Child Coalition invites everyone to A Rally for The Children on Parliament Hill, Monday November 21st from 10:00 to 10:30 am, "rain or shine."

    "The federal government has promised billions of dollars to fund a government-controlled childcare program that actually discriminates against the majority of Canadian families. Instead of a program that does not treat all families equitably, we say ‘fund the child’ and let parents make decisions about the best care (parent or other) for their children. Show your support by coming out. Bring cocoa and a "toonie" for a "fund the child" button! Rain/snow or shine. Canadians of all ages, with or without kids are welcome."
There will also be a press conference at 11:00 am at the House of Commons building in the Charles Lynch Room.

For more information visit this website.



The Coalition for Fathers and Families New York and the New York Civil Rights Council are also planning a PARADE in Schenectady for Saturday November 26th. If you can ride on the float (Annie is the theme) or walk alongside and hand out candy please contact Deb Fellows at 381-6948. Participants will meet at 80 Wolf Road in the back parking lot at noon to decorate the float.



Wisconsin Women for Equality in Family Law

Join 4 dozen Wisconsin Women for Equality in Family Law (sister organization to Wisconsin Fathers) at the Governor's office to ask him if he supports equality in family law on the day after Thanksgiving, November 25th. Contact Jodi Roberts at
608-846-1679, (if M-F, best between 1 and 3 pm) for more information.

Please do your up at the event closest to your home. Be heard! Be seen! A picture is worth a thousand words. Come on, make my job easier.


ColoradoFathers Meeting

Tuesday November 22th
6:45 to 8:45 pm
Hadley Library
1890 S. Grove St.
Denver, CO
Close cross streets.. Jewell and Federal
(Parking in the south lot and street only. Please do not park in surrounding business lots.)

Come, bring a friend, learn about strengthening the law to protect children and parents and to pursue modification of the Bradley law which impacts child support obligation and arrearages, and gain support.


The November/December edition of the
Journal of Parental Alienation is now available for download at Help Stop PAS right here (pdf).

Inside This Issue:
• The Obsessed Alienator: Symptoms of Parental Alienation by Dr. Douglas Darnall
• Custody Litigation: Parental Alienation is Child Abuse by Jim Parton
• Editorial – Special Message by Dr. Laird Sweet, Executive Director of HSPAS
• Recognizing The Narcissistic Personality by Dr. Sam Vaknin
• Houston and Tampa AFCC Conference Summaries
• How Many U.S. Children Might Be Alienated? by The Rachel Foundation
• Interference With Parental Rights by Edward B Borris, Esq.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Unity between the genders!

To read about the show click
To hear the show click here.

("Unity", by Ccopacatty, is a monument to the family; it portrays them as a shared force.)

I knew it was possible!

This is the beginning...unity is upon us. I am very happy to announce that my friend Bev Morris, founder of the Association of Noncustodial Moms (NANCM) will be on the Annie Armen radio show tonight with Stephen Baskerville, President of the American Coalition for Fathers and Children (ACFC). Many, if not most noncustodial moms want shared parenting as much as noncustodial dads do. Bev and I have made a pact to bring unity to the parents' rights movement(s). Too many people want us to oppose each other. Too many people profit from the conflict between the genders. Well, we're fed up. We both want the exact same thing!

To read about the show click
To hear the show click here.

You can hear Bev's first interview on Annie's show last Thursday here.

Happy One Year Anniversity NANCM!

NANCM is a national Non Profit Association based in Florida whose core belief is that children have a right to BOTH parents in their life. NANCM is dedicated to providing a community of emotional support to Non-Custodial Moms through the provision of educational and supportive resources. It is NANCM's goal to continually update and seek out additional resources and support methods for emotional healing. NANCM is dedicated to obtaining charitable affiliations with organizations that can assist Non Custodial Moms; helping them maintain a loving and nurturing relationship with their children. NANCM is dedicated to educating all parents on how to best Co-Parent their children and reduce post-divorce stress in regard to custody issues.

I'd like you to support NANCM's 2006 convention by attending, and by purchasing a special "MY HEART IS HERE" sponsorship to help less fortunate parents attend. You may even see me there as a speaker. Information on the convention and the sponsorships can be found here.

Thank you Annie, Bev and Stephen for helping us bridge the final frontier...the gap between the genders. I know that once we do that, the rest will be a breeze.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Is Prime Time Live primed for a big mistake?

Find out why grown men and women don Superhero costumes and climb buildings, cranes, bridges and gantrys. Thanks to Kip at Even Toddlers Need Fathers for reminding us to listen to this BBC Radio show called Babyfathers2.


Is ABC Following in PBS' Misguided Footsteps?

In this breaking news piece, Breaking The Science tells us about Deborah Fellows, of the Coalition of Fathers and Families New York, and her conversation withThomas Berman, a producer for ABC's Prime Time Live. Berman seems more interested in perpetuating the oh-so-popular notion that only men abuse and only women are victims. Or is it that women victims sell more airtime? I agree with Breaking The Science that these two questions need to be addressed:

    Should investigative TV programs really be predetermining the answers and then looking for cases to support their theories?

    Or should they be doing stories that paint an accurate picture?

Sunday evening conference call to discuss
the California Shared Parenting Ballot Initiative

Date: Sunday, November 13, 2005
Start Time: 8:30 PM PST
End Time: 9:25 PM PST
Dial-in Number: 1-641-297-5600 (St. Marys, IA)
Access Code: 411000
For more information write to: childs right or visit the Legislative Analyst, Childs Right or Shared Parenting Works.
To help further the ballot initiative with a donation click here.


Please add yourself to this map of
family law reform advocates and activists:

Check out our Frappr!

Please visit the Queen of Equality blog
and help me choose a photo to put on this blog.


Men need help, Spies online, PBS, and Women against radical feminism

Men Need Some Help

I'd like to thank the Divorce and Child Custody: Free Information for Fathers blog for this story from the Concord Monitor. In Men Need Some Help, Allison Steele reports that New Hampshire's Commission on the Status of Men, established in 2002, recommends in their first report that the state "devote more resources to correcting the gender biases men face in divorce and domestic violence cases, as well as promoting the role of fathers in families." An excerpt from Allison's piece:

    Much of the report is concerned with what commission members describe as the biases leveled against men in divorces, child support arrangements and custody disputes. In research and in meetings held over the last year, the commission found that many fathers feel they are treated unfairly in family court disputes. Many complained of judges who automatically side with mothers, child support guidelines that leave the father with little income, and a general lack of understanding of the benefits of a father-child relationship.

    "As women have had difficulty establishing their role as important contributors to the workplace, men have had difficulty establishing themselves as important nurturers for their families and children," the report states.

    The report also discusses domestic violence. Men told the commission that some women accuse men of assault so that the judge will award the woman custody of the couple's children. Judges tend to take the woman's side, the report states, which can make it difficult for the man to dispute the charges later.

    The commission also studied the traditional assumption that all domestic violence is caused by men, and it found studies suggesting that women assault men just as often. Domestic violence education and advocate training programs tend to compound the bias by referring to perpetrators of violence in male terms.

    "Efforts to get relief from the domestic violence problem have been unduly influenced by special interests who have successfully sold the problem as solely a responsibility of males over the years," the report states. "The whole truth on this emotionally charged dichotomy isn't being fully revealed."

    As a first step, the commission wants the state legislature to renew the Violence Against Women Act - but only if the language in the law is made gender-neutral.

Now isn't that what we've all been saying all along? Geez...


Kent County Circuit Court and Friend of the Court (FOC) staff Monitoring Internet Activities of Michigan residents

According to the Stand Up Today blog "The Kent County Circuit Court and Kent County Friend of the Court (FOC) are monitoring internet activities of individuals involved in family court cases within their jurisdiction or that are speaking out against them." Lary Holland, father of two who is involved in a domestic relations case involving his two children and who has been outspoken about the operating procedures of the Kent County Circuit Court Family Division since 2003, including the Friend of the Court operations states, "The conduct of these officials has led me to believe they act unethically in discharging their duties."

Holland was able to demonstrate that there exists a conflict of interest between State courts and individuals because for every dollar collected by courts they receive additional monies from the Federal government, making child support profitable for State courts and their FOC employees. “It’s how they get paid. High support orders, high arrearages, and long delays mean more Federal money to justify their [FOC and judges] existence,” says Holland, “The courts are uncomfortable with people being able to collectively speak out on issues that can affect their pockets. Why else would they be monitoring a website pertaining to their possible misconduct while being involved with my case?"

If you believe your family law reform website or blog is being monitored, or if you want more information, please visit these additional sites:, Serendipity, LHolland360 or write to


PBS, thanks for the personal reply

I'm not sure how far this will go, but I'd like to thank Madison at PBS for her personal email exchange with me about the airing of the bias film Breaking the Silence, the Children's Stories. When I asked how fathers might get their own documentary aired she referred me to this webpage. When I asked her about rebroadcasting FATHERHOOD USA: DEDICATED NOT DEADBEAT she was kind enough to look it up, but found out they no longer owned the rights. Thanks to Marc Snider at New Hampshire Custody I then asked her about rebroadcasting the April 7th edition of New Hampshire Outlook called Family Law, (video) and doing it nationwide. After watching that video, my heart goes out to Zachary and his dad. I'm hoping for a positive reply. PBS owes all fathers. This would help.


More women speaking up every day

I love hearing from women who see what is happening to fathers and who, like me, are determined to do right by them. So many of these guys feel the majority of women have turned against them, as society has. I try to tell them that most women have no idea what is happening to fathers in their name. Along those lines I'd like to share these words from a woman named Nicole. In a note to fathers she wrote:

    "You have been, en mass, dismissed as insignificant in the raising of children. In NH, eleven out of twelve of you will only get to participate in your children's upbringing if you have the mother's permission. She has to agree to share the children (otherwise joint custody is all but out of the question) and, if she doesn't, you will only get to see them when she allows it, in spite of any court order for "visitation". Women rule in the world of child custody."
And in a note to me she added:

    "One of my very oldest friends was a speechwriter for N.O.W. [National Organization for Women] when I met her. She has just told me that there will never be any peace between the genders (or for the next generation of kids) until fathers are recognized as equal parents...But those of us who followed Gloria back then were only looking for equal wages for equal work -- not to hijack the next generation of kids. We didn't HATE men (like so many women seem to today) -- in fact, we wanted to be able to share their world and their success. Now women won't let men share in their own children's world. Not the same thing. We were adult -- these are kids."
I know there are many women who feel like we do. Yes, we want equality. Just equality. Are you other feminists, the ones I call "radicals"...we only want EQUALITY, not domination.

I was very pleased the other day when I was able to educate a phone solicitor, a woman working for N.O.W., about the reality of the organization she was promoting. After more than an hour in which she repeatedly commented that she agreed with me, I hung up with a smile on my face and the knowledge that my message of truth wouldn't stop with her. And I do hope she took my advice and found a new job.

Until N.O.W gets it's act together and respects American men's right to equality with the same enthusiasm it has for American women, same sex couples and women in other countries, it really is quite "THEN."


Thank you Blogcritics for allowing me to publish my piece on your site.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Turning up the heat on PBS, NY Rallies around Shared Parenting!

I want to start this post with a big THANK YOU to Ellen of the Reign of Ellen for creating this lovely drawing of me as the Queen of Equality. I am honored to be welcomed into her court. She's a funny gal with a husband, an adorable baby daughter, a blog, and a nice little free book on depression.

In Glenn Sack's "PBS Portrays Known Child Abuser as Hero" tonight he reveals:

    ...extensive court findings, records and testimony that indicate that Sadia Loeliger - portrayed as a heroic mom in a recent, nationally-broadcast PBS documentary [Breaking the Silence, the Children's Stories] - abused children under her care. A Tulare County Juvenile Court concluded in August of 1998 that Sadia Loeliger had committed eight counts of abuse...
Glenn states that over two dozen mental health professionals have joined our protest for equal time, and that the American Psychological Association says Breaking the Silence misrepresents it's position on PAS. To learn more about this nationwide protest and to take action visit Glenn's website.


Glenn also mentions this study on child support collection errors:

    Have You Been the Victim of a Child Support Error?

    If you feel you have been billed for child support payments that you believe you do not owe, or if you believe you have experienced a questionable practice by a child support agency, Jane Spies and the National Family Justice Association are conducting a study on this issue and want to hear from you. Click here for more information.

Bipartisan Rallies in NY for Shared Parenting
Mothers for Shared Parenting
November 5, 2005
in Support of Bills A-330 and S-291

Where? the New York State Democratic Party Offices, located at 60 Madison Ave (at 27th Street) and the New York Republican County Committee, located at 122 East 83rd Street.

    There are currently 2.5 million families in New York State who would be affected by Assembly Bill A-330 and Senate proposal S-291, which would propose that instead of one parent being designated as "non-custodial" and therefore a "visitor", with very few rights and no legal standing on behalf of the child, there would be shared parenting and both parents would be presumed fit and competent unless there was evidence that either was not.

    Mothers for Shared Parenting is a grass roots, self-funded organization created in 2005 to address the needs of mothers in the battle for Shared Parenting Reform. We sympathize and understand the issues related to "non-custodial" parents and the current system. We also are striving to bring to light an underrepresented viewpoint as far as "custodial" parents are concerned.
Come hear some moving testimony and meet some Fathers4Justice Superheroes. For more information call Ashley Clark at 631-384-1222.

The Coalition of Fathers and Families New York is sponsoring a rally on the same day, at the same time at the Albany County Republican Committee, located at 915 Broadway, Albany.


My superhero friends at
Fathers4Justice-UK and RealF4J were mentioned today in this Guardian piece Fathers Figure.


And in this Mail and Guardian Online piece, Superhero fathers stand up for their rights, South Africa's Fathers4Justice's founder medical doctor Stephen Pretorius says, "In not more than a month or two, we hope to have some high-profile stunts. We plan to do this at least once a month. We do have enough fathers who want to do a stunt...F4J in South Africa has 15 000 supporters, of which 200 members are "prepared to go on a crusade."


For more information on the California Shared Parenting ballot initiative visit the Legislative Analyst, Childs Right or Shared Parenting Works.

To help further the ballot initiative with a donation click here.


"Fighting for YOUR right to see YOUR kids!"
If you want to contribute to The Activist Fund,
to help our brave Superheroes please click here.
