My podcast interview, London protest, San Diego Men's Center

You can find our talk here. (My interview starts 19 minutes in.) Or better yet subscribe to 101 Uses for Baby Wipes at Yahoo Podcasts.
You can leave a voice comment for Dennis at (805) 624-5610 (MAIL-610) or Usesforwipes on Skype.
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Whose Child Next?
Protest against Family Court Secrecy and Stolen Children
Whose Child Next?
Protest against Family Court Secrecy and Stolen Children
Various groups will be meeting at the Royal Courts Justice
The Strand, London WC1
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
The Strand, London WC1
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
November 21st
- No more must so called "expert" testimony be shrouded in secrecy, no more children must be removed because of the protection the secret family courts affords those who appear before them only to mislead or lie about what has happened and no more should the secret family courts be used to develop and progress theory so that it eventually emerges as fact, stamped, signed and sealed in a shroud.
There are many children "lost in care" there are others who are adopted and know nothing of their natural parents nor any other birth family members.
Bring banners bearing the logo "ABDUCTED IN SECRET BY THE STATE". The children who are being bought up out there are the "MISSING" and as such Yellow Ribbons will be worn to acknowledge their fate.
We will stand by the road side with pictures of our children when they were babies, so they can't be identified, with one banner saying "MISSING".
Please blow up your baby photos to A4 size slip them into a plastic cover so they don't get damaged and bring them with you. We will line the Strand with the faces of our children stolen by the state.
One day, at least our children will know that they were not abandoned, that their parents loved them very much, but were prevented from fighting for them in a so-called democracy.
Bring banners bearing the logo "ABDUCTED IN SECRET BY THE STATE". The children who are being bought up out there are the "MISSING" and as such Yellow Ribbons will be worn to acknowledge their fate.
We will stand by the road side with pictures of our children when they were babies, so they can't be identified, with one banner saying "MISSING".
Please blow up your baby photos to A4 size slip them into a plastic cover so they don't get damaged and bring them with you. We will line the Strand with the faces of our children stolen by the state.
One day, at least our children will know that they were not abandoned, that their parents loved them very much, but were prevented from fighting for them in a so-called democracy.
For more information contact E.C.Lucy-Robillard at (44) (0) 207 460 4149
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San Diego Men's Center
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San Diego Second Wives Club
San Diego Men's Center
third Tuesday of each month
7:00 p.m.
932 C Street
San Diego Men's Center
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San Diego Second Wives Club
San Diego Men's Center
third Tuesday of each month
7:00 p.m.
932 C Street
- The Department of Child Support Enforcement euphemistically refers to married again people as "present partners". Which may be an apt description considering all the baggage a present partner may be confronted with when dealing their partner’s continuing contested divorce, false accusations, harassing phone calls, parental alienation, economic issues, family interference, and other dynamics involved with a difficult ousted spouse. Dilemmas such as those cause incredible strain on the newer relationship, a strain that can cause another divorce or separation. Hence the relevance of the phrase "present spouse", as if there may soon be another one. If you are a second or present wife or husband, come join the group and discuss related issues, shared experiences and events. No invitation or advance notice required as long as you are emancipated or over the age of 18. A donation of $10 or more is requested, but not required. Just show up and be among friends.
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Coalition of Parent Support Meetings
San Diego Men's Center
second Wednesday of each month
7:00 pm
932 C Street
- The Coalition of Parent Support (COPPS) is a well established parents' rights organization. Come join us and hear interesting guest speakers, participate in activism efforts if you wish, be around others with extensive contested child custody cases, find out about legislative reform efforts, and learn about a host of things concerning false accusations, child custody, child support, domestic violence, restraining orders. You can check our website site under "News and Events" for guest speakers and other COPPS activities.
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Call 619-231-1909 or email the San Diego Men's Center for more information about these and other meetings.
- The San Diego Men's Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization under the auspices of the National Coalition of Free Men Los Angeles. However, we are reorganizing into a San Diego chapter of the National Coalition of Free Men. NCFM is one of the oldest Men's Rights organizations in America.
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This was a fantastic PodCast and I have saved it for future reference. Great Work Teri!
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