Children deserve fully functioning, natural, loving, dedicated relationships with both of their parents, equally, in and out of marriage, whenever possible. Joint physical custody and co-parenting can benefit families, especially children. I'm an advocate for collaborative or cooperative, shared or co-parenting, as well as laws that encourage equality: a strong presumption for both parents', as well as extended family's involvement in children's lives.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Turning up the heat on PBS, NY Rallies around Shared Parenting!

I want to start this post with a big THANK YOU to Ellen of the Reign of Ellen for creating this lovely drawing of me as the Queen of Equality. I am honored to be welcomed into her court. She's a funny gal with a husband, an adorable baby daughter, a blog, and a nice little free book on depression.

In Glenn Sack's "PBS Portrays Known Child Abuser as Hero" tonight he reveals:

    ...extensive court findings, records and testimony that indicate that Sadia Loeliger - portrayed as a heroic mom in a recent, nationally-broadcast PBS documentary [Breaking the Silence, the Children's Stories] - abused children under her care. A Tulare County Juvenile Court concluded in August of 1998 that Sadia Loeliger had committed eight counts of abuse...
Glenn states that over two dozen mental health professionals have joined our protest for equal time, and that the American Psychological Association says Breaking the Silence misrepresents it's position on PAS. To learn more about this nationwide protest and to take action visit Glenn's website.


Glenn also mentions this study on child support collection errors:

    Have You Been the Victim of a Child Support Error?

    If you feel you have been billed for child support payments that you believe you do not owe, or if you believe you have experienced a questionable practice by a child support agency, Jane Spies and the National Family Justice Association are conducting a study on this issue and want to hear from you. Click here for more information.

Bipartisan Rallies in NY for Shared Parenting
Mothers for Shared Parenting
November 5, 2005
in Support of Bills A-330 and S-291

Where? the New York State Democratic Party Offices, located at 60 Madison Ave (at 27th Street) and the New York Republican County Committee, located at 122 East 83rd Street.

    There are currently 2.5 million families in New York State who would be affected by Assembly Bill A-330 and Senate proposal S-291, which would propose that instead of one parent being designated as "non-custodial" and therefore a "visitor", with very few rights and no legal standing on behalf of the child, there would be shared parenting and both parents would be presumed fit and competent unless there was evidence that either was not.

    Mothers for Shared Parenting is a grass roots, self-funded organization created in 2005 to address the needs of mothers in the battle for Shared Parenting Reform. We sympathize and understand the issues related to "non-custodial" parents and the current system. We also are striving to bring to light an underrepresented viewpoint as far as "custodial" parents are concerned.
Come hear some moving testimony and meet some Fathers4Justice Superheroes. For more information call Ashley Clark at 631-384-1222.

The Coalition of Fathers and Families New York is sponsoring a rally on the same day, at the same time at the Albany County Republican Committee, located at 915 Broadway, Albany.


My superhero friends at
Fathers4Justice-UK and RealF4J were mentioned today in this Guardian piece Fathers Figure.


And in this Mail and Guardian Online piece, Superhero fathers stand up for their rights, South Africa's Fathers4Justice's founder medical doctor Stephen Pretorius says, "In not more than a month or two, we hope to have some high-profile stunts. We plan to do this at least once a month. We do have enough fathers who want to do a stunt...F4J in South Africa has 15 000 supporters, of which 200 members are "prepared to go on a crusade."


For more information on the California Shared Parenting ballot initiative visit the Legislative Analyst, Childs Right or Shared Parenting Works.

To help further the ballot initiative with a donation click here.


"Fighting for YOUR right to see YOUR kids!"
If you want to contribute to The Activist Fund,
to help our brave Superheroes please click here.



Blogger Teri said...

Yes, I also own, a peer support group for single parents. Teri

10:38 AM  
Blogger My Kid's Mom said...

Hi, I like you blog becasue I think this subject always requires debate. I am a big supporter of shared parenting, but not of PRESUMED shared parenting because I think it's important to uncover the motivations of a parent before tossing the child into their care on a shared basis. People excel in different areas, including parenting and if one of two parents is better, then that has to be recognized.

I invite you to visit my blog, my situation is unique, but before the battle, I did everything I could to have 50/50% joint custody and it just didn't work.

I look forward to continuing to read your blog.


6:02 PM  

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