Children deserve fully functioning, natural, loving, dedicated relationships with both of their parents, equally, in and out of marriage, whenever possible. Joint physical custody and co-parenting can benefit families, especially children. I'm an advocate for collaborative or cooperative, shared or co-parenting, as well as laws that encourage equality: a strong presumption for both parents', as well as extended family's involvement in children's lives.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Fathers 4 Justice Bedlam protest draws hundreds

Hundreds of fathers, mothers, children, extended family, concerned citizens and professionals joined Fathers 4 Justice in London Friday for the Bedlam campaign for overnight stays for children and their noncustodial parents.

Fathers 4 Justice is part of a worldwide civil and human rights movement fighting for equal rights for all fit parents through family law reform. There are Fathers 4 Justice groups in several countries including Canada and Italy. Also prominent are groups like Fathers For Virginia and Fathers and Families New York and radio personality and columnist Glenn Sacks.

Reformists allege current law facilitates conflict and separation of fit parents from their children. Parents must spend thousands of dollars fighting each other, making the other look the worst so they can get the cherished and powerful title of custodial parent.

They say these same couples could share physical custody, and use collaborative co-parenting plans, which leaves them money to put towards establishing two homes or the child's education.

Advocates claim children in most divorces want to maintain the same amount of contact they had with their parents before and after the separation. They say when a parent is only available to a child 14% of the time, or they only see them every 2 weeks, the child often wonders if they've done something wrong.

Activists add even when the laws are correct and the court orders a just decision, a custodial parent is able to ignore the court order knowing they will not be taken to task. They say in cases with visitation orders, enforcement must happen.

They all agree with equal* joint physical custody and collaberative co-parenting, there is no need for visitation orders. (*parents have equal say, and negotiate the timeshare they prefer)

teri stoddard
More Bedlam Photos

Photos courtesy of Daddy Artur

"I had the common misconception that it was bad fathers campaigning to see their children. It wasn't until my involvement with Guy that I realised it's good fathers, who have been given the stamp of approval from the courts enabling them to see their children and the mothers of their children are preventing that." -Emily Blount, girlfriend of Guy Harrison

    Her brother has become an overnight pop superstar and her boyfriend is infamous for throwing flour bombs at Tony Blair and climbing up the Houses of Parliament. But, as Elizabeth Day discovers, nothing fazes the very level-headed Emily Blount.


Blogger Steve Cunio said...

Terri, this is an amazingly excellent blog. :) I have linked to yours from mine here:

Keep up the good work!
Steve :)

2:05 PM  

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