Children deserve fully functioning, natural, loving, dedicated relationships with both of their parents, equally, in and out of marriage, whenever possible. Joint physical custody and co-parenting can benefit families, especially children. I'm an advocate for collaborative or cooperative, shared or co-parenting, as well as laws that encourage equality: a strong presumption for both parents', as well as extended family's involvement in children's lives.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Breaking News! F4J-UK protestors on Queen Elizabeth II Flyover, more

Fathers 4 Justice Protestors have scaled a gantry on the approach to Dartford Bridge. (Queen Elizabeth II Flyover)

The protests form part of the group's 'Bedlam' week to mark their campaign for overnight staying contact between children and separated fathers.

Over the last 2 months members of the group have sent in hundred's of pyjamas to Children's Minister Beverly Hughes and tomorrow dads from F4J clad in pyjamas will march through London with their beds to the Royal Courts of Justice.

The campaign will see an escalation in direct action after protesting millionaire Guy Harrison scaled the Houses of Parliament in late September.

A spokesman said 'we are committed to ratcheting up the campaign against the government with more protests at major landmarks and civil disruption to roads and railways over the coming days and weeks.'


F4J-UK to work with Cafcass on Reforms

Despite rejecting proposals by Cafcass, the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service, contained in their 'Every Day Matters' strategy document, campaign group Fathers4Justice have conceded that whilst the reforms do not go far enough, the group will continue dialogue with Cafcass to ensure the advances made are secured and become policy next year.

F4J say that the document includes numerous positive advances including

* A commitment to shared parenting

* Quantifies the minimum amount of contact to include overnight and weekend staying contact.

* Promotes early interventions in family disputes.

Said an F4J spokesman 'We believe we have done as much as we can within the confines of working within Cafcass however we also want to safeguard the advances made and will continue to work with Cafcass in that respect.'

'Our gravest concern is over the tone of the document which talks about children to the exclusion of their parents almost as if they didn't exist and often abdicates responsibility onto their shoulders. The involvement of children is abusive. They are not mature enough to give informed consent and may have to live with guilt in later life if they make wrong decision. Professionals MUST take responsibility, not hide behind children. If children really are unhappy with a parent then they will no doubt vote with their feet in due course but we MUST start off on the premise that that which children want is generally not good for them ie unlimited sweets, not go to dentist, stay up till late, not go to school, not do homework, etc, etc.'


California residents can now download Shared Parenting Ballot Iniative petitions here or here.


Please join ACFC, Glenn Sacks, RADAR, FAFNY and me in asking for equal time from PBS to rebut the bad image fathers have after they aired the biased film Breaking the Silence, the Children's Stories. (please click those links to take action)


Dan Romand of FAFNY and The Family Forum is requesting readers send letters to the editor of the Times Union in regards to this bias article.


Robert Stone, of Fathers4Justice-Canada, will be attending the BC Human Rights Tribunal on Tuesday October 25th to Friday the 28th, 2005, to fight for rightful dignity to fathers.

The case can be read HERE. (pdf file)

The case questions whether unacknowledging a father on a birth registration is a violation of one's dignity. This has been decided at law in the Trociuk vs. BC Attorney General.

The hearing will be held at the BC Human Rights Tribunal, 1170 - 605 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC. MAP Their phone number is 604-775-2000 ext 2 for directions or hearing times.

Support is appreciated by any and all.

Please visit to hear more about the fight for our children to have their natural parents equally in their lives.


American Coalition for Fathers and Children (ACFC) and concerned parents are putting billboards up in Champaign, Illinois, and running radio promos for equal parenting.


Phyllis Schlafly has agreed to appear on PEP-talk radio December 11th.


Judith Miller of Cooperative Parenting Solutions will be speaking at the November 14th Help Stop PAS meeting at the JCC in Houston, Texas at 7:00 pm.

Please join Fathers4Justice-Canada and me in supporting Arnie Hein in his trek across Canada by bike in support of fathers' rights.



Blogger One man said...

:)sweet sista

10:19 PM  

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