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NEW CALIFORNIA LAW - it's about time!
A just-enacted law (SB 1088) in California which goes into effect next January will make evaluators and mediators forbidden from communicating ex parte with judges and attorneys, including GALS, in child cusody cases. It's about time, eh? Now for the remaining states... (I hate to say this, but our "opposition" made this happen. I can't wait until we're all on the same side. Am I dreaming, or can it come true? We all want what's best for children, after all.)
Take look at this piece by Dean Tong on Mens News Daily, Friendly Fire: PBS Targeting 'Dads' as Predators on "Breaking the Silence"
And take a look at this piece by Pat Cangelosi on Blogwonks, PBS Bombarded by Protests over Father-bashing Show
Cordell & Cordell Law has announced the topic for the free seminar taking place in November in Atlanta, Georgia. The seminar will take place on Thursday, November 3, from 6:30 to 9:00 PM at the Grand Hyatt Atlanta located in Buckhead.
"Dads and Dollars Before and After Divorce" will examine the most common financial questions addressed during the divorce process, such as child support and maintenance. The seminar will also tackle the issue of modifications to existing decrees when income levels change substantially for either spouse. Attorneys from Cordell & Cordell, PC will share their expertise in these areas using PowerPoint presentations and a Q&A session at the end of the seminar. This seminar is free to the general public but space is limited. To sign up for the Atlanta seminar, please call 404-842-0009 or register online.
A seminar is also scheduled for Indianapolis on Thursday, October 27th and is filling up quickly. If you are interested in "The Ten Most Stupid Mistakes Men Make When Facing Divorce", please call 317-322-0122. The seminar will take place from at the 6:30-9:00 pmWestin Indianapolis. The seminar is also being provided free to the general public.
Cordell and Cordell is also planning a seminar in the Kansas City area in January, 2006. Details on that seminar will be available later this year.

NEW CALIFORNIA LAW - it's about time!
A just-enacted law (SB 1088) in California which goes into effect next January will make evaluators and mediators forbidden from communicating ex parte with judges and attorneys, including GALS, in child cusody cases. It's about time, eh? Now for the remaining states... (I hate to say this, but our "opposition" made this happen. I can't wait until we're all on the same side. Am I dreaming, or can it come true? We all want what's best for children, after all.)
Take look at this piece by Dean Tong on Mens News Daily, Friendly Fire: PBS Targeting 'Dads' as Predators on "Breaking the Silence"
- Suffice to say, PBS' Breaking the Silence: Children's Stories was successful in promoting the ideological dogma that "Dads are monsters and obtain custody for it and that PAS is junk science." But this old news, right? What was more appalling and unconscionable than that were the so-called experts - Meier, Bancroft, et al, who spoke for PBS. This writer does not recall seeing before or after the program a disclaimer that said something like "PBS does not necessarily agree with the opinions of the speakers." The naive and unwitting aforementioned speakers lacked credibility and reliability. In this writer's opinion, other than Ofra Bikel, PBS does also.
And take a look at this piece by Pat Cangelosi on Blogwonks, PBS Bombarded by Protests over Father-bashing Show
- Calling Breaking the Silence distorted and one-sided, fatherhood and shared parenting advocates have bombarded PBS with over 2,000 calls and letters protesting the film. The protesters say that fathers rarely win custody of their children, and are frequently victims of false accusations of abuse or molestation. They demand that PBS allow them a chance to present their side of the issue.
Cordell & Cordell Law has announced the topic for the free seminar taking place in November in Atlanta, Georgia. The seminar will take place on Thursday, November 3, from 6:30 to 9:00 PM at the Grand Hyatt Atlanta located in Buckhead.
"Dads and Dollars Before and After Divorce" will examine the most common financial questions addressed during the divorce process, such as child support and maintenance. The seminar will also tackle the issue of modifications to existing decrees when income levels change substantially for either spouse. Attorneys from Cordell & Cordell, PC will share their expertise in these areas using PowerPoint presentations and a Q&A session at the end of the seminar. This seminar is free to the general public but space is limited. To sign up for the Atlanta seminar, please call 404-842-0009 or register online.
A seminar is also scheduled for Indianapolis on Thursday, October 27th and is filling up quickly. If you are interested in "The Ten Most Stupid Mistakes Men Make When Facing Divorce", please call 317-322-0122. The seminar will take place from at the 6:30-9:00 pmWestin Indianapolis. The seminar is also being provided free to the general public.
Cordell and Cordell is also planning a seminar in the Kansas City area in January, 2006. Details on that seminar will be available later this year.
Luv ya Teri :)
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