4 of 5 dads want more time with their kids
Corporation for Public Broadcasting Omsbudsman tells PBS to get real
Hurray for our side! We're one step closer to getting the truth told. CPB omsbudsman Ken A. Bode has confirmed the bias and slanted content of Breaking the Silence, the Children's Stories. You can see his report HERE. If you'd like to thank Ken you can reach him HERE. Thanks to Glenn Sacks and Fathers and Families for their campaigns to protest this unbalanced anti-father film. If you'd like to thank Glenn you can reach him HERE. If you'd like to thank Ned Holstein of F&F you can reach him HERE. I so look forward to seeing one of our films on PBS.
KY family court psych evaluator in hot water
KY family court psych evaluator in hot water
If your Kentucky custody case involved a psychology evaluation by G. Steven Alexander you should read this:
MURRAY, Ky. -- A state-licensed counselor who was hired to perform court-ordered mental competency evaluations has been charged with nine counts of practicing psychology without a license.
Officials are looking into whether the charges against G. Steven Alexander could force them to reopen cases in which he testified, including child custody, domestic violence and guardianship cases.
Four out of five UK dads want more time with their children
Four out of five UK dads want more time with their children
Now why wasn't that the title to the article I just read in The Scotsman? That's what I got out of the piece. No, they called it The 'new dad' is a myth, as survey finds him too busy for childcare. How sad, like it's the dad's choice. That's not what the piece says:
- Only a fifth of fathers said they had no complaints about the amount of time they could devote to their offspring...Ms Henniker-Major said: "Not only are fathers spending less time with their children than mothers, they are also more likely to feel dissatisfied with the amount of time they get to spend with their child. "Perhaps this is the 'new dad' - a father who wants to be more involved in his child's upbringing but, due to other pressures, finds this is not possible."
John Murtari taking the heat for child support debtors
John Murtari taking the heat for child support debtors
John Murtari of A Kids Right has decided to challenge his "driving with a suspended license" offense on the grounds it's unconstitutional to take a parent's driver's license for non-payment of child support. He has asked for a trial instead of simply paying the fine. And not just that...he has admitted to the judge and DA that he drove without his license an additional 100 times. His trial is December 12. Please show him your support. You can read about his case HERE. I gotta give it to John. This is one man who is definately not all talk. First he climbed the structure at Hillary Clinton's office in Syracuse, now this. Good luck John.
Six-minute video of interest
Six-minute video of interest
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