Children deserve fully functioning, natural, loving, dedicated relationships with both of their parents, equally, in and out of marriage, whenever possible. Joint physical custody and co-parenting can benefit families, especially children. I'm an advocate for collaborative or cooperative, shared or co-parenting, as well as laws that encourage equality: a strong presumption for both parents', as well as extended family's involvement in children's lives.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Congratulations Blogcritics!

Congratulations! to Blogcritics for their great accomplishment...10 million visitors! Wow.

Please consider downloading and listening to "Where is the Love?" by the Black Eyed Peas and Justin Timberlake

And if you get a chance, listen to "Change" by Tracy Chapman.

I think these two songs have valuable lessons.

Peace. Please.

Real Fathers 4 Justice protestor gains TV stars' support.

While Simon Cloverdale was perched on a crane more than 250 feet above ground with his huge banner, Simon Gregson (who plays Steve McDonald) and Kate Ford (who plays Tracey Barlow), both actors on the Coronation Street TV show, came out of the Granada Studios to sign a Real Fathers 4 Justice poster and to show their support for fathers' rights.

Simon Cloverdale has been released from custody.

Thank you Real Fathers 4 Justice.

The original Fathers 4 Justice is alive and well in South Africa.

The Original Fathers 4 Justice is back at it again, this time in South Africa. Dr. Steven Pretorius, aka Batman and founder of the new branch, scaled an unfinished bridge to hang a banner to go with the one Ryan Plunkett hung from a second story window on the Cape High Court building. Two Spidermen, Batman and Robin, Captain Thunder and a Superdad protested with hand-held smoke flares. Leon Saaiman, member of the Original Fathers 4 Justice's National Advisory Council, said "We are against fathers who don't pay maintenance or who beat their wives. We stand for fathers who want to play a meaningful role in the children's lives." The original story is here ...Thank you Original Fathers 4 Justice.

Now some sad news. Vasilica Iulian Grosu, the 36-year-old Romanian father who set himself on fire to protest his inability to get back custody of his son, or even just to see him, has died of his injuries. His parents and sister continue the fight to find 6-year-old Andrei in Spain so they can gain access to him by phone. More information here

What this is all about

Sometimes people ask me why I keep fighting this fight. They know I'm misunderstood and criticized by people on all sides, including the people I'm trying to help. I have to admit, when that happens I ask myself the same question. But then I get emails like this one. My heart melts, and I get right back in the line of fire.

Bill Sharp used to spend 3 weeks every summer at this location with his kids. The court order now only allows for 2 weeks. Still, he makes the most of it. How can anyone turn their back on a father who writes this about his time with his children:

"Oh, and the rotting log was full of black carpenter ants. As soon as the water level rose to the level of the log and started to fall over it, the ants started to evacuate to the nearest dry land. My kids watched them for hours. Watched them scout out paths that weren’t flooded. Watch them build escape routes when alternatives vanished. Watched them cart out eggs to safety. And watched some of the colony somehow survive when there didn’t seem any plausible way to do so.

My son, cracked me up this year. He said, “We’re building stuff Dad; not the kind of building you do at work, building and re-arranging Powerpoint charts and going to meetings; we’re really building stuff.” … you would have thought we were building a moon mission."

Friday, July 29, 2005

So this is the Real Fathers 4 Justice...

So this is the Real Fathers 4 a video of the Coronado Street/Granada Studios action. See photos. Read the latest news:

Breaking news!
Friday July 29, 2005

Manchester Police have stormed the crane
by Granada Studios and have taken down the
Real Fathers 4 Justice protestor.

Simon Coverdale is being held at the
Pendleton Station in Manchester.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Superhero action alert, Real F4J stunt

Remember when...

On May 7, 2005 Kevin Christians, aka Incredible Hulk, and his comrade Cris scaled the gantry that spans the entire 6 lanes of the Alex Fraser Bridge in Canada and hung an 11 foot Fathers 4 Justice banner several hundred feet above the water.


After scaling the Pattullo Bridge at 4:00 am and waiting 3 hours in the predawn cold 300 feet above the Fraser River, Peter Parker, aka Spiderman (Spidey) dropped a 30 x 10 foot Fathers 4 Justice banner to greet the morning commuters.


Rob Robinson, aka Batman, and Robin then set to work communicating with the media. You can see a video here
More information on the Fathers 4 Justice-Canada website.

Now... The Incredible Hulk, Kevin Chriaestians, is unjustly imprisoned pending his court appearance on July 28, 2005 at the Surrey BC Provincial courtroom 101. The Hulk, friend and Spiderman will be coming before Justice at 9:00 AM.
ACTION ALERT! Please show your support by attending.


An anonymous Real Fathers 4 Justice campaigner dressed as an alien space invader protested at the Granada Studios this morning, July 27, 2005, in support of Coronation Street (TV show) character Steve McDonald's on-screen custody battle. The fathers' rights activist took over an 80 foot crane next to the Granada TV studios on Quay Street in the city centre. Original news article. Please leave comments here.

Thank you to Amberell Photography for these last two photos. More here.

(click any photo to enlarge)

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Who is this feminist4fathers anyway?

As I said before, this has been a crazy time in the movement. The shake-ups and shake-downs are happening in several organizations. As much as I wish the negativity didn't exist, I'm happy that certain elements are now being dealt with. We will end up with a stronger, more efficient movement.

I'd like to clear up some rumors by offering you a message from my first husband. Here also is a photo of me with my first daughter while I was married to Terry. Yes, we both have the same first name. He was Big Terry and I was Little Teri.

"Greetings, I am Teri Stoddard's X-husband #1. Teri did the best she could back then when we were married. I was no angel. Socially speaking the 70's where very different times. Especially living the San Francisco Bay Area! It is easy to look back and find mistakes in all of our lives. What is important is what we have learned from those mistakes and how we live our lives today. Teri is the one who contacted me trying to work things out. She has learned from those mistakes and wants to help stop others from making the same mistakes.

I contacted her regarding a young friend who was breaking up with his wife and they were bitterly fighting over their child. Teri took a lot of time sending me info, contacts, and web sights so he could learn about his rights as a Father. Teri is there to help me and my friend when I need her.

Please stop fighting and keep sharing your knowledge with those who need help. Petty bickering and name-calling will destroy the reason you are all in contact with one another. Please work together to share your wisdom and help others. Teri's X - Terry"

While I was looking at photos I came across a few others I thought I'd share. Enjoy. Little Teri

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Breaking news about Men's Equality Congress

July 15 -16, 2005

Second National Men's Equality Congress
Washington Court Hotel
525 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC

The Congress will consist of two days of activism and meetings in an effort to draw attention to issues of urgent importance to men as citizens, fathers and human beings.

Confirmed speakers include: Dr. Warren Farrell, Dr. Stephen Baskerville, Glenn Sacks, Carnell Smith, Jack Kammer and David Burroughs.

We have some breaking news for lobby day, Friday, July 15th.

We (ACFC, VAWA4ALL, RADAR and others) are now planning to deliver a small packet of information about VAWA and male victims to every congressional office on Capitol Hill. This is over 500 offices and will be no simple task and we need your help.

Please help us get this information to our legislators on Capitol Hill on Friday July 15th from 11:00 to 3:00.

FRIDAY - Lobbying 11-3 pm, Protest 3:00 pm, Opening 7:30 pm!

Register today with this link

Saturday, July 09, 2005


Talk about shock, and awe. I'm still giggling. I found this blog listed under "Divorce and Child Custody" in a fantasy blog stock trading game. You can find it on Blog Shares Here are a couple of the graphs for Feminist4fathers.

It says I have 10% market share. Is that good?

Let's talk

I think we all know that family law reform is a tough job. It takes the time and efforts of dedicated individuals, and even then it doesn't always happen. Our opposition has had years to build strength, and they seem ready to stop us at every turn. We need to build that strength. One of the reasons I support Vision4children is because it draws more players onto the field, making us stronger.

Another organization I support is Men Solutions (MENS), based in Sacramento, California. MENS is home to Michael Robinson, our family law lobbyist. Michael has put in endless hours working on move-away, paternity fraud, military parents, and shared parenting bills. I've heard it said many times that what happens in California affects the rest of the nation. With that in mind I urge you all to support Michael in his efforts. I would really hate to see him walk away because he couldn't afford to continue. This is a real possibility. Please make a one-time, or even better a recurring donation, to MENS.

PLEASE go to this donation page where it is very easy to put your money where your mouth is.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Independence Day

My thoughts on this Independence Day are more about our interdependence than our independence.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Was that an earthquake, or was that just "the movement"?

Father's Day brought a flurry of articles and events. I'd like to share with you a couple of last month's photos.

For an article on Sweden's Spiderman go here.



Please visit VAWA4ALL.

The take action page has been updated . You can use a hyperlink that is in blue font and says (use this link to e-mail). This will allow you to send one e-mail to all the committee members. Faxes will still have to be sent one at a time. Thank you for your efforts.