Superhero action alert, Real F4J stunt

On May 7, 2005 Kevin Christians, aka Incredible Hulk, and his comrade Cris scaled the gantry that spans the entire 6 lanes of the Alex Fraser Bridge in Canada and hung an 11 foot Fathers 4 Justice banner several hundred feet above the water.

After scaling the Pattullo Bridge at 4:00 am and waiting 3 hours in the predawn cold 300 feet above the Fraser River, Peter Parker, aka Spiderman (Spidey) dropped a 30 x 10 foot Fathers 4 Justice banner to greet the morning commuters.

Rob Robinson, aka Batman, and Robin then set to work communicating with the media. You can see a video here
More information on the Fathers 4 Justice-Canada website.

ACTION ALERT! Please show your support by attending.

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