Some "Hello"s and a "Good bye"
Tell your government representatives what you need from them at these two townhall meetings on fathers and family rights:
Meet and speak with Colorado Senator Lois Tochtrop
Monday, September 12th, 2005 7:30 PM
The Denver Dinner
740 W Colfax Ave, (Colfax and Speer)
Denver, Colorado 80204 MAP
For more information contact Howard Deaton
Meet and speak with Texas Representative Lois W. Kolkhorst
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
5:00 PM
Big District Court Room (3rd Floor)
Walker County Courthousse
1100 University Avenue
Huntsville, Texas 77340 MAP
For more information contact Mark Bitara
Volunteers are needed for the California Shared Parenting ballot initiative For more information contact

Ask Dr. Sophy
The initial contact for such a situation would depend upon several factors. At what age was the last contact with the child? What is the current age of the child and living arrangement? These factors may dictate the best approach. Also this you should examine yourself as to why contact now..and what you would like to have as a outcome of the reunion. Also how you plan to cope with the outcome if it is less than expected. Let me know if you need more. thanks
Dr. Charles Sophy serves as Medical Director for the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, and has a private psychiatry practice in Beverly Hills, California. He is board-certified in three clinical specialties, including adult psychiatry, child/adolescent psychiatry and family practice. Feel free to submit questions directly to Dr. Sophy regarding the struggles of dealing with child custody. Please add "Feminist4Fathers" to the subject line so the question and answer can appear here (anonymously).
Thank you Equal Parenting of BC Canada for featuring Jeremy Swanson's story.
The fathers and family rights movement lost a very dedicated advocate when Glenn Eckles passed away recently. My heartfelt condolences go to his wife Andrea, who says:
Glenn died in a tragic car accident on Aug. 31, 2005 on his way home from work. In the months prior to his death, Glenn worked laborously trying to get legislation passed to benefit fathers and their children during a time of divorce, and sought every possible platform on which to speak on behalf of the injustice of our current (anti) Family Court System. Because of this current system, two of his beautiful daughters were denied their fair share of time with their father, and now it is too late.
Some of the things you may not have known about Glenn are as follows. Glenn was 42 years old and was an Engineer/Sr. Technical Manager for America Online Internal Computing. He was a father to six beautiful daughters ranging in age from 4 year old twins to age 20. (stepfather to the eldest). He was an avid deer hunter, a Southern Baptist Christian man, and a huge John Wayne and country music fan. Glenn was a true gentleman, and believed in integrity, truth and humility. We loved enough to sustain me a lifetime. Our oldest daughter, Susan, will be one of the cast members for a reality show that will air in the Spring entitled "Back On Campus." Glenn and I along with 4 of our daughters will be in one of the episodes, and ABC FAMILY has already stated that episode will be aired in memory of my husband.
Due to his past military career (AF) Glenn will have an Interment into Arlington National Cemetary on Nov. 14th. Time TBA.
Those of you who communicated with him on a regular basis will agree with the Pastors final words at his funeral service yesterday: "Well done, thy good and faithful servant." We ask that in lieu of flowers people donate to
Please pray for all of our beautiful girls, who will ironically be growing up without their Daddy, but who have the full knowledge that their daddy loved them and fought to the end for them and their own children. I will miss him. Sincerely, Andrea Eckles
Good bye Glenn, you'll be missed.
You can send Andrea your condolences here

Monday, September 12th, 2005 7:30 PM
The Denver Dinner
740 W Colfax Ave, (Colfax and Speer)
Denver, Colorado 80204 MAP
For more information contact Howard Deaton

Tuesday, September 20, 2005
5:00 PM
Big District Court Room (3rd Floor)
Walker County Courthousse
1100 University Avenue
Huntsville, Texas 77340 MAP
For more information contact Mark Bitara
Volunteers are needed for the California Shared Parenting ballot initiative For more information contact

Ask Dr. Sophy
Being a Noncustodial Parent for nearly 10 years, having no contact or little contact to the PAS child, what and how would such parent approach the adult PAS child if and when contact has been established? (PAS = parental alienation syndrome)
The initial contact for such a situation would depend upon several factors. At what age was the last contact with the child? What is the current age of the child and living arrangement? These factors may dictate the best approach. Also this you should examine yourself as to why contact now..and what you would like to have as a outcome of the reunion. Also how you plan to cope with the outcome if it is less than expected. Let me know if you need more. thanks
Dr. Charles Sophy serves as Medical Director for the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, and has a private psychiatry practice in Beverly Hills, California. He is board-certified in three clinical specialties, including adult psychiatry, child/adolescent psychiatry and family practice. Feel free to submit questions directly to Dr. Sophy regarding the struggles of dealing with child custody. Please add "Feminist4Fathers" to the subject line so the question and answer can appear here (anonymously).
Thank you Equal Parenting of BC Canada for featuring Jeremy Swanson's story.

Glenn died in a tragic car accident on Aug. 31, 2005 on his way home from work. In the months prior to his death, Glenn worked laborously trying to get legislation passed to benefit fathers and their children during a time of divorce, and sought every possible platform on which to speak on behalf of the injustice of our current (anti) Family Court System. Because of this current system, two of his beautiful daughters were denied their fair share of time with their father, and now it is too late.
Some of the things you may not have known about Glenn are as follows. Glenn was 42 years old and was an Engineer/Sr. Technical Manager for America Online Internal Computing. He was a father to six beautiful daughters ranging in age from 4 year old twins to age 20. (stepfather to the eldest). He was an avid deer hunter, a Southern Baptist Christian man, and a huge John Wayne and country music fan. Glenn was a true gentleman, and believed in integrity, truth and humility. We loved enough to sustain me a lifetime. Our oldest daughter, Susan, will be one of the cast members for a reality show that will air in the Spring entitled "Back On Campus." Glenn and I along with 4 of our daughters will be in one of the episodes, and ABC FAMILY has already stated that episode will be aired in memory of my husband.
Due to his past military career (AF) Glenn will have an Interment into Arlington National Cemetary on Nov. 14th. Time TBA.
Those of you who communicated with him on a regular basis will agree with the Pastors final words at his funeral service yesterday: "Well done, thy good and faithful servant." We ask that in lieu of flowers people donate to
Please pray for all of our beautiful girls, who will ironically be growing up without their Daddy, but who have the full knowledge that their daddy loved them and fought to the end for them and their own children. I will miss him. Sincerely, Andrea Eckles
Good bye Glenn, you'll be missed.
You can send Andrea your condolences here
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