What would drive a man to paint his skin green, don leotards and climb a bridge?
What would drive a man to paint his skin green, don leotards and climb a bridge? Not once but twice in the last year as well as the New Westminster courthouse twice.

Hi my Name is Kevin Christiaens, the F4J BC Hulk and I am writing this letter to hopefully explain why I would go to such measures.
My son Steven was born on June.14th, 1991 at the Mission Memorial Hospital. I was an active parent in my son’s life for the first year at which time his mom and I split up. Not long afterwards I received a Telephone call from my sons mom, Tracie Spada, informing me she could no longer take care of my boy and wanted to give custody of our son to me.
The day that she was to give me custody of our son I received a telephone call from her Ex Boyfriend informing me that she was going to put our son up for adoption. He did not agree with what she was doing and he felt that he should inform me as she was just going to do it behind my back. Tracie was young and in foster care at the time of her making this decision.
I immediately went to the provincial courthouse to get a court order to prevent Tracie from leaving the province with our son. I no sooner received another telephone call, but this time it was from my boys soon to be adoptive parents, stating that they would like to meet with me. I was in shock. How could this be?
Not knowing what else to do and in complete shock I agreed to meet with them. They asked me if I was agreeing with the adoption. Hell no I stated. They then replied, "Oh we were under the assumption that you were in agreement with the adoption plans and if that’s not the case they would then back out”. I informed them that would be best and that I would raise my son just fine to their satisfaction.
The next day after our meeting the adoptive parents flew in to Vancouver from Calgary and grabbed my son Steven and his mother and flew back to Calgary. After I had already gotten a court order stating that Steven was not to leave the province of BC.
I then spent Three long and tiring years In the provincial and supreme courts of BC and Alberta. Only to have the Alberta courts turn a blind eye to the whole thing and even going so far as stating that even though I was his biological father I had no rights to my son.
As such I am convinced the Canadian court system could care less about those who it is to protect. I later found out through my lawyer that the adoptive parent's lawyer was a baby Broker.
It has been about twelve years now since I have last seen my son.
The adoptive parents of my son are now divorced. The ex wife re-married and with another child. I have been unable to locate them. Their names at the time were Cheryl and Ross Macgregor from Calgary Alberta. Cheryl might be in Ontario now and Ross in the USA somewhere.
I have experienced much emotional anguish and pain as such and every day wonder how my little boy is and for that matter what looks like. This adoption was illegal and the courts sanctioned it. I want my son back and for the courts to be held accountable for the destruction the courts have caused my son and I. It is wrong what the courts are doing to the children and their parents. It has been twelve long years that I have hopelessly stood back and done nothing. A victim of a system that sees fathers as merely sperm donors in the bartering of children. I want my son in my life as God intended and as such will continue to fight for the rights of all families who know the pain and suffering of loosing a loved one.
All I have now is a picture of my boy when he was eleven and some of the pictures that were taken when his mother and I were together.
I would love nothing more than to see my little boy again and get to know him. I would like the pain and suffering to END!
So for those who may be wondering what makes a grown man go to such measures as I have with Fathers-4-Justice, I hope this helps explain.
I thank you for your considerations.
I vow to continue too fight for your rights to see your kids and am hoping that there are more of us out there that feel the same.
Yours, Truly,
Kevin.G.Christiaens – aka – BC Hulk -
Please feel free to also contact me Via Email

Hi my Name is Kevin Christiaens, the F4J BC Hulk and I am writing this letter to hopefully explain why I would go to such measures.
My son Steven was born on June.14th, 1991 at the Mission Memorial Hospital. I was an active parent in my son’s life for the first year at which time his mom and I split up. Not long afterwards I received a Telephone call from my sons mom, Tracie Spada, informing me she could no longer take care of my boy and wanted to give custody of our son to me.
The day that she was to give me custody of our son I received a telephone call from her Ex Boyfriend informing me that she was going to put our son up for adoption. He did not agree with what she was doing and he felt that he should inform me as she was just going to do it behind my back. Tracie was young and in foster care at the time of her making this decision.
I immediately went to the provincial courthouse to get a court order to prevent Tracie from leaving the province with our son. I no sooner received another telephone call, but this time it was from my boys soon to be adoptive parents, stating that they would like to meet with me. I was in shock. How could this be?
Not knowing what else to do and in complete shock I agreed to meet with them. They asked me if I was agreeing with the adoption. Hell no I stated. They then replied, "Oh we were under the assumption that you were in agreement with the adoption plans and if that’s not the case they would then back out”. I informed them that would be best and that I would raise my son just fine to their satisfaction.
The next day after our meeting the adoptive parents flew in to Vancouver from Calgary and grabbed my son Steven and his mother and flew back to Calgary. After I had already gotten a court order stating that Steven was not to leave the province of BC.
I then spent Three long and tiring years In the provincial and supreme courts of BC and Alberta. Only to have the Alberta courts turn a blind eye to the whole thing and even going so far as stating that even though I was his biological father I had no rights to my son.
As such I am convinced the Canadian court system could care less about those who it is to protect. I later found out through my lawyer that the adoptive parent's lawyer was a baby Broker.
It has been about twelve years now since I have last seen my son.
The adoptive parents of my son are now divorced. The ex wife re-married and with another child. I have been unable to locate them. Their names at the time were Cheryl and Ross Macgregor from Calgary Alberta. Cheryl might be in Ontario now and Ross in the USA somewhere.
I have experienced much emotional anguish and pain as such and every day wonder how my little boy is and for that matter what looks like. This adoption was illegal and the courts sanctioned it. I want my son back and for the courts to be held accountable for the destruction the courts have caused my son and I. It is wrong what the courts are doing to the children and their parents. It has been twelve long years that I have hopelessly stood back and done nothing. A victim of a system that sees fathers as merely sperm donors in the bartering of children. I want my son in my life as God intended and as such will continue to fight for the rights of all families who know the pain and suffering of loosing a loved one.
All I have now is a picture of my boy when he was eleven and some of the pictures that were taken when his mother and I were together.
I would love nothing more than to see my little boy again and get to know him. I would like the pain and suffering to END!
So for those who may be wondering what makes a grown man go to such measures as I have with Fathers-4-Justice, I hope this helps explain.
I thank you for your considerations.
I vow to continue too fight for your rights to see your kids and am hoping that there are more of us out there that feel the same.
Yours, Truly,
Kevin.G.Christiaens – aka – BC Hulk -
Please feel free to also contact me Via Email
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