Children deserve fully functioning, natural, loving, dedicated relationships with both of their parents, equally, in and out of marriage, whenever possible. Joint physical custody and co-parenting can benefit families, especially children. I'm an advocate for collaborative or cooperative, shared or co-parenting, as well as laws that encourage equality: a strong presumption for both parents', as well as extended family's involvement in children's lives.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Senator Clinton, please don't let me down.

Senator Clinton,

You say you care about children. You say you want what is in their best interest. I have faith that you mean this.

I know that you, or at least someone on your staff, know something about me. And you're about to learn more since you've come to my blog. I want you to also know that I truly appreciate the phone call from your office today. That phone call gave me hope.

Please meet with John. If his arrests cause you concern, I offer myself in his place. Please, read this and look at this. I would love a meeting.

Teri Stoddard
a very concerned single mom and grandmother in California

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