John Murtari does the first U.S. stunt on behalf of family rights!
I was sitting in my vet's office waiting for the tranquilizer to take effect, after being called back because my dog was so scared they couldn't get near her let alone start her spay surgery, when I got the call. It was John Murtari of "I was wondering if you could do me a favor Teri", he said. He went on to say he was about to do a stunt, he couldn't reach his press person, and would I handle those duties for him. "Of course!", I replied. Not only was I thrilled to know we were finally going to have a stunt on U.S. soil, but I was going to be a part of it. John planned on climbing the 20' sculpture outside the Syracuse Federal Building.
The second call came while I was driving home. "He's up", Kelly said. So I pulled over, took the numbers to the local media, and called New York from California, happy to do my part. Luckily it didn't take long, because it turns out I was parked illegally on a college campus...oops...the officer was very nice about it.

After I arrived home John called to thank me. He was still on the sculpture with a 6 foot banner that read, "Senator Clinton - Please help us!" The police wanted him down, but he wasn't budging. He didn't think any media had shown up yet. I found out shortly after that that at least one television station had been there and gotten photos.
John, a native of Lyons, New York and a former Air Force pilot and Academy graduate is a local coordinator for He is the President of a small Internet startup company located in Baldwinsville, NY.
Please help John's efforts by contacting Senator Clinton's offices:
Syracuse Local rep, Cathy Calhoun,
tel: 315-448-0470, fax: 315-448-0476
Washington Scheduling Office, Lona Valmoro (Senior Advisor to the Senator),
tel: 202-224-4451, fax: 202-228-0121
Thank you John, from all of us.
The second call came while I was driving home. "He's up", Kelly said. So I pulled over, took the numbers to the local media, and called New York from California, happy to do my part. Luckily it didn't take long, because it turns out I was parked illegally on a college campus...oops...the officer was very nice about it.

After I arrived home John called to thank me. He was still on the sculpture with a 6 foot banner that read, "Senator Clinton - Please help us!" The police wanted him down, but he wasn't budging. He didn't think any media had shown up yet. I found out shortly after that that at least one television station had been there and gotten photos.
John, a native of Lyons, New York and a former Air Force pilot and Academy graduate is a local coordinator for He is the President of a small Internet startup company located in Baldwinsville, NY.
Please help John's efforts by contacting Senator Clinton's offices:
Syracuse Local rep, Cathy Calhoun,
tel: 315-448-0470, fax: 315-448-0476
Washington Scheduling Office, Lona Valmoro (Senior Advisor to the Senator),
tel: 202-224-4451, fax: 202-228-0121
Thank you John, from all of us.
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