Please help save this little girl!
Please read below for 8/21/05 update on the CA abuse case.
Please help us help a little girl!
Judge Hilton, in San Luis Obispo, California has refused to hear evidence that a 5-year-old girl is being molested and beaten by her uncle. Why? Because the allegation is being brought to the court by her father.
The Court has ordered the girl be returned to her mother, who cannot and has not protected her from ongoing and extreme abuse. Judge Hilton has said the hearing on immenent danger/change of custody can be heard next week, AFTER the father returns the child to the mother.
Child Protective Services has REFUSED to interview the child (despite us having an insider in CPS in CA who has said that any report of abuse of child under 5 is supposed to be investigated within 2 HOURS). 8/19/05 Update- CPS now says they will investigate.
The Police have told the father that if he makes any claims of abuse agains the uncle, he will lose custody of the child, that they will make sure of it. We are investigating whether or not the uncle, with a long criminal record, is a confidential informant or has any other contacts with the police that would make them protect a child molestor.
The Guardian Ad Litem says one thing to the father's attorney and then in court says that he isn't sure if the father has coached the girl!!! He is supposed to be HER attorney, but is failing miserably and is asking that she be returned to the mother. We smell a conspiracy, or at the least, a child porn ring.
Now that the girl has made a plea for help, one she was only comfortable doing when she was in another state, where she felt she was safe enough, she is in even more immediate danger if she is returned.
The father has filed for a Temporary Restraining Order against the mother and uncle, and has a Writ of Prohibition going to the appellate court as a back up this morning in case the TRO is denied.
It isn't the first time this has happened, but this is the first time that we have all the supporting data; video tape, photos of bruises (from head to toe), and a bullet proof case.
8/19/05 Update- The TRO was denied over a technicality. A 100-page document was denied over a typo that could have been pointed out yesterday. But...When I called the courthouse today I was told it hadn't been denied, it was given back for corrections, that it could be resubmitted.
Previously the ex-wife made false allegations against the father that HE was molesting her. Once those were proven false, and the real molestor was identified, she claimed her daughter was NOT ever molested.
skip this part if you are easily offended:
It is undeniable that a five year old who understands blw jobs and money shots and scraping cm off her tounge and how to breathe with a 6 inch pnis in her mouth, has been molested. Sorry to be graphic, but that's what we are dealing with. Repeated and horrible stuff. If that doesn't raise the hackels of every parent who reads this, we don't know what will.
It's worse that even what I have written. We need help to put pressure on the powers that be to save this little girl.
8/21/05 Update-
The little girl was returned to her mother today. There will be a hearing on Wednesday to determine if she is in iminement danger and should be returned to her father for the duration of the investigation.
CPS and the Guardian Ad Litem both looked at the video tape that showed the girl asking for help and agreed that it was enough evidence for criminal charges against the uncle.
But, there was insufficient proof that the girl would be harmed with her mother, so there was no way to intervene this weekend.
Apparently a few dozen people called the local news! Thanks!
FL 02 - 0141
Child Protective Services
Child Welfare Services Division
(805) 781-1700
(805) 781-KIDS (24-hour Child Abuse Referrals)
1-800-834-5437 (24-hour toll-free Child Abuse Referrals)
William Brown - Guardian Ad Litem
San Luis Obispo Courthouse
805-781-5423 Family Court Services
805-781-5706 Family Law
805-781-5670 Criminal (who SHOULD be handling it)
805-781-5352 Juvenile (who should have taken jurisdiction when the
molestation was discovered)
805-781-4347 Judge Hilton's Clerk
San Luis Obispo District Attorney
Douglas C. Odom, Chief Investigator
Larry Hobson, Asst. Chief Investigator
William M. Hanley, Asst. Chief Investigator
(805) 781-5800
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