Children deserve fully functioning, natural, loving, dedicated relationships with both of their parents, equally, in and out of marriage, whenever possible. Joint physical custody and co-parenting can benefit families, especially children. I'm an advocate for collaborative or cooperative, shared or co-parenting, as well as laws that encourage equality: a strong presumption for both parents', as well as extended family's involvement in children's lives.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I'm the feminist4fathers
(and mothers)
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I've also been know to show up dressed as the
Queen of Equality

drawing by ellen of reign of ellen
thanks ellen!
Equal means Equal!
I believe equality is beautiful. I support family law reform so families can rely on laws and the court system to facilitate good will, honesty, responsible co-parenting, justice and equality.
Both genders face injustices and heartbreak. And the real victims...are always the children.
FREE parenting plans!

in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi
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my articles
- he never got to say "good bye"
- is he "the loser", or is he dad?
- it's not your mother's fathers movement anymore
other articles
superhero activism videos
- dads army 67.6 mb (1 hr)
- f4j-us dressed4success
june 2005 (sm) - f4j-us dressed4success
june 2005 (lg) - f4j-canada vancouver
nov 2004 - f4j-canada father christmas
december 2004 - f4j-canada victoria
march 2005 - f4j-ca's victoria 3/05
- f4j-canada vancouver
may 2005 - f4j-ca's vancouver september 2005
- super hero dads 12.9 mb (6 mins)

Previous Posts
- Forgiveness
- Women For Shared Parenting
- Spiderman Dad
- This doesn't add up.
- It was murder, pure and simple.
- The Fathers Movement is about love, that's all.
- Tellin' it like it is.
- Can't they treat boys the same as girls?
- America's parents speak out
- And the games shall begin.....
- 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
- 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
- 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
- 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
- 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
- 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
- 10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
- 11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
- 12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
- 01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
- 02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
- 03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
- 06/01/2008 - 07/01/2008
my SUPER heroes
- original fathers4justice -italy
- original fathers4justice -uk
- original fathers4justice (news on the mens hour) -uk
- fathers4justice and families4justice -canada
- fathers4justice -south africa
- fathers4justice -us
- real f4j -uk
- spiderman dad
- american coalition for fathers and children
- ask dr. sophy
- center for law and social policy
- child trends databank
- children's rights council - info 4 parents
- clinical psychiatry search
- comeback dads - ca shared parenting bill
- connect for kids
- dads' rights/jeffrey leving
- desertlight journal - trudy schuett on domestic violence
- divorce and custody
- domestic abuse helpline for men
- domestic violence against men in colorado
- educated parenting
- equal justice foundation
- fatherlit database
- fathers & families -ma
- fathers and families -ny
- fatherville
- find law
- hugs to heartbreak - pas
- lifecoach/w.sheppard
- men's health network
- mr. dad
- noncustodial moms
- parents action
- people for equal parenting -tx
- proud to parent
- respecting accuracy in domestic abuse reporting
- safe homes for children and families coalition - vawa 4 all
- shared parenting works
- single parent access and resource center
- stop abuse for everyone
- supreme court info
- up to parents
- wendy mcelroy on domestic violence
- witness justice - domestic violence
more great links for usa and canada
- a kid's right -ny
- abuse excuse/dean tong
- abuse of discretion -mn
- alliance for non-custodial parents rights
- california alliance for families and children
- california divorce
- center for children's justice
- center for parental responsibility -mn
- child protection reform
- childs right -ca
- chuck
- citizens commission on human rights
- colorado divorce mediation
- dads and daughters
- dads of michigan
- devin patrick
- diary of a single dad
- divorced fathers
- equal protection under the law is true equality
- false allegations -canada
- false allegations, false accusations, recovered memories -us
- family forum -ny
- family rights association
- family rights association -ca
- family rights coalition -mi
- family rights network -ca
- family law courts -ca
- father access
- father matters
- fathers are parents too -ga
- fathers for virginia
- fathers resource center -ca
- fathers united -md
- the hate male post
- help stop parental alienation syndrome
- iowa fathers
- jail 4 judges
- jon hamilton -nc
- kentucky fathers
- liam's dad
- live beat dads -us
- love is earned
- men in divorce
- men's activism
- men's custody shelter network -pa
- men's educational support association -canada
- mens equality congress
- national center for fathers and families
- national coalition of free men
- national congress for fathers and children -ca
- nevadans for equal parenting
- new hampshire custody
- one father's fight
- oregon family rights
- parents and children for equality-oh
- parents without rights -fl
- paternity fraud
- queen of equality
- responsible opposing
- shared parenting council -ct
- true equality
- wendy mcelroy
- wisconsin fathers
- wisconsin women for equality in family law
- women for parental rights -tn
more international links
- accomodation for parents
- children's institute -south africa
- children's rights network -japan
- childs -south africa
- dads in distress -australia
- ***das familienrecht -germany
- equal parenting council -uk
- even toddlers need fathers
- families anti-social services inquiry team -uk
- family rights 4 europe
- fatherhood foundation -australia
- international mens network
- mama2 forum -uk
- marco biondo -italy
- mothers apart from their children -uk
- neues rund um den vateraufbruch -germany
- ozy dads -australia
- papa separati -italy
- parents4protest -uk
- scotsdads -scotland
- shared parenting council of australia
- silence no more
- sos papa et maman "le forum" -france
- south african law reform commission
- visionimarziane -italy
stuff I like
- atomfilms
- beliefnet
- blog critics
- blogging baby
- broken bread
- dad talk
- feministing
- google earth
- heaven -video
- dot moms
- incomplete -video
- intent blog
- jibjab
- laughing squid
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- masculiste
- modern day dad
- mom in the mirror
- never gonna change -audio
- post secret
- reign of ellen
- single parents support
- threadbared
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- womenfolk
- wikipedia
- wired news
- you don't have to be strong -audio

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