Why have superheroes landed in South Africa, and what does Batman have to say?

"My daughter was born in 2002…the most beautiful, gorgeous, little angel any parent can ever hope for. She certainly changed my life forever! For the first time, I experienced complete and utter, unconditional love, and the true meaning of life dawned upon me.
I changed nappies, fed her, bathed her every night, read stories, sang songs to her, and even cared for her during the night for most of her toddler months. And all the while my wife and I were drifting further and further apart...
In 2003 I found our 20-month little daughter hiding under the kitchen table. I could not stand seeing her like that, and asked my wife for a trial separation for 2-3 months. Not only did my wife move out of the house, but she relocated to another province.
For the first few months I spent the weekend with my daughter. By June 2004, she only allowed me contact for 3 hours per week!
My daughter attends preschool 7am to 5pm. But she is not allowed to spend afternoons instead with her father (who does not keep office hours) and her granny. She sleeps over at the mother's family, but is supposedly too young to sleep over at the father’s house.
Together with many other parents, I now dedicate my time fighting for the interest of my daughter…and every other child caught up in divorce. I, like so many other fathers, suffer from DEPRIVATION forced upon us by being denied meaningful contact with our children. We will not stop until our work is done...for the sake of our children! Please join with us and support Fathers 4 Justice in South Africa"

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