Dutch Fathers4Justice Dads Scale John Frost Bridge

Today three fathers from the
Dutch branch of Fathers 4 Justice scaled the John Frost Bridge in Arnhem. The bridge became infamous after the Battle of Arnhem in World War II and later in the film 'A Bridge Too Far'.
Dutch activists Jheroen Sistermans (in purple wig), and two fellow protesters known only as Claus and Jeffrey, scaled the bridge displaying a banner that reads "
Stop the War on My Father" (in English) and wearing T-shirts (in Dutch) that read '
Justice is Coming.'

With this action, the Fathers hope to show that politicians Ella Kalsbeek (Partij Van De Arbeid) and Marleen de Pater (Christian Democrat Association) are going 'a bridge too far' in sabotaging the new family law of Ruud Luchtenveld (VVD). Next week this the proposed law will be discussed in parliament for the 5th time! Up till now Kalsbeek & de Pater have asked for changes every time.
Said Dutch F4J leader Andy Work, "It is ironic that 60 years after the Dutch were liberated from a tyrannical regime, that now Dutch children are being subjected to the tyranny of the failed family courts.
One in five Dutch children are denied access to half their family, whilst the (Dutch) CSA are increasing their attempts to persecute fathers to extract yet more money."

The Dutch branch of Fathers 4 Justice was set up shortly after the UK group was founded, with the same objectives of bringing about equality in family law.
Saturday November 19th
8:00 amNew Westminster Courthouse
651 Carnarvon St.
New Westminster, BC
A gathering to reflect on the lack of action by governments at all levels to institute clear direction to the judiciary with respect to every child’s right to be raised by both of his or her parents equally.
This is an event organized by Fathers-4-Justice and it is expected that there might be some surprise events in store with possible appearances by superheroes.
Fathers-4-Justice (Canada) is a direct action oriented organization committed to advancing the right of every child to enjoy the benefits of a lifelong meaningful relationship with both of his or her parents regardless of the status of the relationship between his or her parents. As outlined in Article 7 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Fathers4Justice-Canada, Vancouver BC Regiment, invites everyone to a peaceful demonstration tomorrow in front of the New Westminster Supreme Courthouse, weather permitting. Bring signs and noisemakers!
Contact: Hal LEGERE, Director
Fathers-4-Justice (Canada)
778 837-1224
Kevin Christiaens
Fathers-4-Justice (Canada)
(604) 953-1976
Fathers4Justice-Canada is also planning their 2005 Santa March, which will coincide with the International Santa March-4-Family Justice. To see videos of the 2004 march and to register for this year's event visit this
F4J-CA webpage.
My love and a shout-out to Phill and Llewy in Wales ---->
~!~ The National Fund The Child Coalition invites everyone to A Rally for The Children on Parliament Hill,
Monday November 21st from 10:00 to 10:30 am, "rain or shine."
"The federal government has promised billions of dollars to fund a government-controlled childcare program that actually discriminates against the majority of Canadian families. Instead of a program that does not treat all families equitably, we say ‘fund the child’ and let parents make decisions about the best care (parent or other) for their children. Show your support by coming out. Bring cocoa and a "toonie" for a "fund the child" button! Rain/snow or shine. Canadians of all ages, with or without kids are welcome."
There will also be a press conference at 11:00 am at the House of Commons building in the Charles Lynch Room.
For more information visit
this website.
Coalition for Fathers and Families New York and the
New York Civil Rights Council are also planning a
PARADE in Schenectady for
Saturday November 26th. If you can ride on the float (Annie is the theme) or walk alongside and hand out candy please contact
Deb Fellows at 381-6948. Participants will meet at 80 Wolf Road in the back parking lot at noon to decorate the float.

Wisconsin Women for Equality in Family Law
Join 4 dozen Wisconsin Women for Equality in Family Law (sister organization to Wisconsin Fathers) at the Governor's office to ask him if he supports equality in family law on the day after Thanksgiving, November 25th. Contact Jodi Roberts at 608-846-1679, (if M-F, best between 1 and 3 pm) for more information.
Please do your part...show up at the event closest to your home. Be heard! Be seen! A picture is worth a thousand words. Come on, make my job easier.~!~
ColoradoFathers Meeting
Tuesday November 22th6:45 to 8:45 pm
Hadley Library
1890 S. Grove St.
Denver, CO
Close cross streets.. Jewell and Federal
(Parking in the south lot and street only. Please do not park in surrounding business lots.)
Come, bring a friend, learn about strengthening the law to protect children and parents and to pursue modification of the Bradley law which impacts child support obligation and arrearages, and gain support.
The November/December edition of the Journal of Parental Alienation is now available for download at Help Stop PAS right here (pdf). Inside This Issue:• The Obsessed Alienator: Symptoms of Parental Alienation by Dr. Douglas Darnall• Custody Litigation: Parental Alienation is Child Abuse by Jim Parton• Editorial – Special Message by Dr. Laird Sweet, Executive Director of HSPAS• Recognizing The Narcissistic Personality by Dr. Sam Vaknin• Houston and Tampa AFCC Conference Summaries• How Many U.S. Children Might Be Alienated? by The Rachel Foundation• Interference With Parental Rights by Edward B Borris, Esq.