Children deserve fully functioning, natural, loving, dedicated relationships with both of their parents, equally, in and out of marriage, whenever possible. Joint physical custody and co-parenting can benefit families, especially children. I'm an advocate for collaborative or cooperative, shared or co-parenting, as well as laws that encourage equality: a strong presumption for both parents', as well as extended family's involvement in children's lives.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

A father is planning his suicide

How can people be so cruel? How can the family court system be so unjust that a father would chose to die than to live under their terms? How many more fathers must die before the authorities start to care? I sit here in tears, after reading a friend's plan to leave this world because he has been cut out of his children's lives.

He has this to say:

"I can't help my feelings and I am sorry for causing kaos on the groups but my days on this planet are few as I am destined to be just another done over father who goes down the hole.

Police stormed my house last night. I am prison bound for my last time as I am going to come off my heart medication and refuse all food and water as I have lost my will to live.

My two girls used to love me so much but now because of false allegations and PAS they are to scared to see me. Please don't get upset Teri as the world is unfair but with people like you and others thru their noble actions can help change the insidious cruel system. My days of fighting with police and looking into the eyes of evil judges are coming to an end. I just want to go to sleep and never wake up.

I will always be with you guys & girls in spirit.

In solidarity-dad4justice


I can assure you I am genuinely sorry for freaking everyone out as suicide although painless would be selfish and heartbreaking for my 4 children. I must learn to endure this injustice. I can't understand this horrible PAS, it's heavy shyt. I must learn not to get emotional but its hard when you get told your 2 girls don't want to see you again.

I state again thank you Teri and all the many others who have flooded my inbox with messages of support. I will not let the team down again with talk of suicide.

dad4justice, New Zealand


I have come to terms with the fact my young daughters aged 12 & 10 have been affected so badly by the vile PAS they want to continue the estrangement from their Daddy .This time 4 years ago I was idolised and very much loved by them in a happy family situation. Today I understand the loss is more than sadness, and I a normal to feel angry, lonely,numb, forgetful, tense,shaky, aching, scared, guilty, betrayed, lost, empty, depressed, exhausted and other physical miseries. However I will never give up my fight for my most precious girls who mean everything to this DAD. dad4justice


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We must stop this dreadful systematic abuse causing so much pain to our children and parents by opening up these secret courts and making these cruel individuals responsible and accountable for their hideous crimes to humanity.

I don't who these sad people are - or why they do the cruel things they do - but I know one thing, one day when the truth is known, I hope you will find the love happiness with your children which up to now you have been sadly denied.
Take Care Peter

Layton [P4p]

5:48 PM  

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