Have you seen this child? Help solve this international child abduction.

Please help me help a friend who's daughter is missing and endangered. Emily may be in the company of her mother Sheila Fuith. She may be using the last name Fuith, Merriam, or Vernick. Emily's right eye turns inward. If you have any information concerning the whereabouts of this child, please contact the Volusia County Sheriff's Office 386-248-1777 or the Missing Children Information Clearinghouse 1-888-FL MISSING.

"Emily was born at St John's 1 minute past midnight on the morning of the 1st March - she was silent as she came into the world and very blue - her cord had been wrapped around her neck and the midwife started to rush her to the recovery table when Emily decided to put us all out of our misery and screamed her head off. I was very happy to have Emily, my fifth child...."
Karl Hindle
Emily Hindle was taken from Britain and brought to the United States.
DATE MISSING: 1/6/2005
BIRTH: 3/1/2002
AGE NOW 3 yrs
SEX: Female
RACE: White
HAIR: Brown
EYES: Blue
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
1-888-FL MISSING or 1-888-356-4774
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