Children deserve fully functioning, natural, loving, dedicated relationships with both of their parents, equally, in and out of marriage, whenever possible. Joint physical custody and co-parenting can benefit families, especially children. I'm an advocate for collaborative or cooperative, shared or co-parenting, as well as laws that encourage equality: a strong presumption for both parents', as well as extended family's involvement in children's lives.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

We're not "freaks, kooks, sociopaths, abusers and criminals"

I asked the Cape Town father, perched on the Provincial Administration Building on Christmas Day in the photo above, about missing his children. I wanted to know what drives a man to risk his life, limb and liberty in this type of public demonstration. "It is a wave of incredible pain that gets me," he answered, "I cannot concentrate on work, and sometimes, especially when I have designed something or made something new, I will just cry. I long for the children."

Over the last three years I've heard similar sentiments from hundreds of other loving parents; fathers, and mothers, separated from their children by vindictive ex-partners, biased or overworked family court judges, corruption and outdated laws. A few of these parents, like this father in South Africa, have chosen to don superhero costumes and climb bridges or buildings to let the general public know what is happening to parents and children worldwide.

"The [worst] times are Birthdays, Christmas Day, and now New Years Day," he [name withheld to protect the privacy of the children] went on, "Here in Cape Town we have Cape Minstrels, and I love music and I love the jollity of it all. Sadly, since Christmas 2002, when I first saw the Minstrels, I have not been able to share this Cape Experience with [my children]. When the Minstrels come by, I get drawn in by the beauty and movement of the musicians, but then the reality of not being able to share comes into play. That is when joy and tears get mixed. Anger has a try, but it doesn't last. Sadness beats anger for me then, so I swing along to the tune between happiness, longing, sadness and the people."

I couldn't help notice that this sounded like a gentle man, nothing like the "angry fathers' rights activists" that Trish Wilson, self-proclaimed expert on the fathers' rights movement [she isn't] called us in her written testimony to the California legislators voting on AB1307 earlier this year. After communicating with this father and his mother I'm pretty sure they're normal people, not "freaks, kooks, sociopaths, abusers and criminals" like Cindy Ross, California Director of the National Alliance of Family Court Justice called fathers' rights advocates in Message 17927 on her Yahoo list serve recently.

In fact, even though this father is in mourning over his own children, he wants readers to think of other loving fathers who can't see their children. He told me this about one of them, "When he tried to have the contact with his daughter in Cape Town, the boyfriend told him that he couldn't see his daughter. That must have hurt so. [He] flew back to Joburg. [He] said that if I had told him what I was going to do, he would have flown down and joined me." He told me of another father whose "daughter called him Uncle Daddy." And he added, "So, there are lots like me. I am not alone."

Boy, do I know that. I have heard similiar stories from parents, usually fathers but also mothers, all over the globe. At last count my blog, which has only been online a few months, had been visited thousands of times, by people in more than two dozen countries. These tragedies are happening all over, the suffering must stop. I believe we would have gotten farther in our mission if there weren't people fighting our cause.

Over the last year it has become clear to me that people like Wilson and Ross have an agenda. Unfortunately it isn't the same agenda I have, which is exposing the truth. In this case the truth is buried below fear and possibly the desire for power. Ross openly claims in that post that her job is, "discrediting the FR/shared parenting movement and exposing its' members as the perverse conglomerate of anti-feminist and pseudo-Christian freaks, kooks, sociopaths, abusers and criminals they really are."

Ross, Wilson and others like them have a sly way of trying to make these grieving fathers look bad. They write things publically they know will hurt and agitate them, trying to rouse a negative response, the more hostile the better. Then they use that response against them. I've seen it done over and over. Ross admits it in the same post, to a father who had responded after being attacked on the list serve and in his private email, "I personally enjoyed your post and have added it to my collection. Documentation in your own words makes my job much easier."

I wouldn't care so much that these women have it out for fathers, if they would keep it to themselves. But they don't. They not only "advise" women who join their list serves and read their blogs, they also influence legislators, and editors. When I pulled one of my articles from being published on Mothersmovement Judith Stadtman Tucker, the editor, turned to Wilson for information for her own article. Tucker didn't understand my negativity towards Wilson and chose to claim that the fathers' and family rights movement has "twisted logic and ulterior motives." She couldn't be more wrong.

I have avoided drawing any attention to these people up until now. I haven't included links to their sites, because I find the content vile. It's hurtful. But I have instead tried to reason with them, but to no avail. After my last attempt at finding common ground with Ross she chose to close her list serve to the general public. She claims I, and another female shared parenting proponent are bad for her members.

Ross and Wilson have yet to answer the question, "How can you tell your readers, some of whom are mothers who have lost custody to their abusers, that they should not want equal shared custody?" These women say they care about noncustodial moms, but after seeing their interaction with a noncustodial mother that I know, I have to wonder.

I'm proud to be part of the fathers' and family rights movement. We fight for children, and all fit noncustodial parents. I am one of the 30-40% of the movement who are female. Some of us are grandmothers, second wives or friends, professionals, and many are noncustodial moms.

As time goes on there are more and more women without custody. In some cases, it's what they want or they were truly unfit. In other cases they have faced the same injustices that fathers have faced. There could have been corruption, the other parent might have simply out-financed them, or they could have been a victim of parent-child estrangement facilitated by the other parent.

Wilson and Ross, and others, like the producers of Breaking the Silence, the Children's Stories*, want people to believe that women are the only ones at a disadvantage in family court. Every time we try to further shared parenting laws our opposition claims that fathers are a danger to children. While there are, in fact, women who have been victims, and there are children in the custody of unfit fathers, there are far more fathers who are victims of the system. Only 5-10% of all custody cases involve high conflict, and in only some of those is it the father who is violent. Yet women receive sole custody 84% of the time nationwide, and up to 95% in some states. *(The Children's Stories has now received bad reviews by two ombudsmen, and PBS has decided to make a new documentary allowing for equal representation of both sides of the issue.)

VAWA was reauthorized recently, with some gender neutral language added. Immediately after that, the National Organization for Women (NOW) issued a press release which included the words, "Our work to stop violence against girls and boys, women and men, is not over, but VAWA 2005 at least recognizes the importance of this effort and ensures our national commitment will continue for another five years." If I'm not mistaken, this may be the first time that NOW has recognized that men are victims too. I was pretty surprised. A representative for NOW also testified against AB1307. I hope we'll see a real change of attitude, not just a change of wording to insure the continuation of funding.

I have always hoped that feminists would embrace the concept of equality in child custody cases. Anything else seems hypocritical to me. Others see feminism as part of the problem. I'll end my 2005 posts with this poem, written by the mother of the Cape Town Superdad. It is dedicated to him, and Fathers4Justice.


How sad, in fact, how tragic it is,
In many lands today,
That numerous fathers have had to protest,
In such a public way.

They've tried to appeal to their feminist wives,
They've tried through the Courts as well,
But they're up against an unnatural trend,
And this is what they tell ....

Their wives have claimed that they know best,
That all their children need,
Is a mother to guide and bring them up,
If they are to succeed.

In order to achieve their goal,
They bring into the world,
Children for them to call their own,
Their motives are then unfurled.

Nearly as bad as the Spider who eats
Her mate when he's played his part,
These mothers who want no Dads for their kids,
Soon help them to depart.

To draw attention to their cause,
The fathers, thus deprived
Of normal access to their sons
And daughters have arrived ...

At ways they feel will show the world,
How sad and hurt they are,
They climb on freeway bridges with
Large banners read from far.

Now share wth me this tale I'll tell,
Of one such loving Dad,
Two Christmas days spent all alone,
He was so very sad.

He tried to 'phone his children but
His wife refused the call,
So great his heartache that he wept,
He felt so very small.

Throughout this year, his wife has said ...
"I'll block you all the way,
These kids are mine and mine alone,
And that's the way they'll stay."

Her mother - also a feminist
Has told him - "They're not yours ...
They're mine", for as each one was born,
Her crystals kept the scores.

Right on the Internet this Dad
Discovered how his son,
Complete with Mom's encouragement
That she describes as fun ...

Is now in the grips of a magic cult,
Of witches and wizards who post,
To all their younger fans such things
As devilish pictures most.

Then, on this Christmas Day just past,
Again his calls were blocked,
He longed to hear such loving words,
As in his heart are locked.

So, all alone, he made his plan,
The only way he knew,
To send his love and greetings to
His sons and daughter too.

He welded up a ladder strong,
And climbed a Provincial wall,
Three storeys up, on the flag ledge he stood,
With banner clear and tall.

"Happy Christmas my Children", it said,
From Daddy - in Cape Town" - and then,
The crowds all waved - a reporter was there,
No doubt really anxious to pen ...

The story that this Dad could tell,
But that was not his aim,
He just wanted to talk to his kids,
Not look for any fame.

Soon came a fire-rescue truck,
And seven squad cars too,
The streets were blocked - no cars could pass,
The gathering crowds just grew.

He stood his ground with his banner in red,
They knew he was there in peace,
A huge fireman's crane brought someone up,
They shook hands - the cheers did not cease.

They shared introductions and questions and trust,
Being listened to was great,
But this, of course, was Christmas Day
And this top official was late !

On friendly terms, our father went down,
In a big Fire Rescue arm,
The type they use when buildings burn,
Or pets are in danger of harm.

These kindly people offered him help,
These Dads with children their own,
They said all his quests would get legal help,
They'd take his file on loan.

This Dad has an order for his wife's arrest,
If she continues to block,
His fatherly right to see his kids,
This warrant he keeps under lock.

He seeks no revenge for what she has done,
But daily his longing grows,
To see his three children who love him in turn,
And this their mother knows.

By email he sent me this moving account,
With photographs too - very clear.
He did this alone on Christmas Day,
Because of his children so dear.

But he did it also for Dads everywhere,
Whose children they long to see,
And even among the Police who were there,
Were some in the same boat as he.

If any who read this are fooled as they claim,
That feminists have such right,
I pray they will pause and consider what Dads
Are suffering day and night.

But if, in their quest, they have hardened their hearts,
Of this they can be sure,
The day will come when they'll answer to God,
His justice will be pure.

For He it was, as part of His plan,
All mothers and fathers made,
As husband and wife to care for their young,
Through parents .... God's plans are laid !

Dedicated to Fathers4Justice and to one Father in particular about whom this poem has been written. 28th December 2005 (c) N..[name withheld to protect the privacy of the children]

For more information please visit
Fathers4Justice .


God (whatever God you honor) bless you and I wish for you all a happier new year.


Monday, December 26, 2005

Up on the rooftop, Dublin Santa-Dads, AU Shared Parental Responsibility Bill, UK tagging parents,

Up on the Rooftop

Two Real-F4J protestors were "up on the rooftop" of MetroRadio December 21st dressed as Santa and a snowman.

More photos on the MetroRadio website.


Dublin Dads march as Santa for Fathers' Rights

Fifty men dressed as Santa and protested in Dublin Friday for better treatment for fathers in family court. Ray Kelly, a member of the Unmarried and Separated Fathers of Ireland group, said the protest was organised to show people the problems many unmarried men and separated fathers face trying to get access to their children despite court orders. Kelly said, "This is a death here, this is a living death...A lot of children, fathers and grandparents will be suffering this Christmas." UTV article


Australian Shared Parental Responsibility Bill

I'd like to thank Andrew Hale, Barry Apelbaum and The Age for this article about the 2005 Australian Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill that was introduced 2 weeks ago.

    ...The proposed changes recognise a need for more shared parenting.

    For fathers, the outlook after separation is grim. Dads in Distress points out that young separated Australian men are 10 times more likely to die by suicide than through a car accident.

    ...Opposition to shared parenting is stronger among mothers than fathers, but it seems that opposition from mothers focuses on younger children, under six years old, and lessens as the child grows older.

    ...several studies suggest that young Australians of both genders are expressing a strong desire to take part in raising children and family life when they become parents.

    ...children report the loss of daily contact with one of their parents as the worst part of their parents' separation.

    ...shared parenting is increasingly seen as a realistic and desirable option.

    Children are conscious of it as an option and they are also encouraging a change in culture.

    ...Even moderate amounts of conflict between parents ought not necessarily impede a shared parenting arrangement, provided the children are insulated from any conflict. To insist on an absence of conflict, may encourage it. If a father wants shared parenting, and the mother does not and believes the court's fallback order will be prime residence to her, she may promote conflict and be unco-operative to provide evidence for the court to reject shared parenting.

    Differences in parenting style should not be fatal to a shared parenting arrangement. Indeed, different approaches may serve to enrich a child's upbringing. Provided the child is in the care of a loving parent, one parent ought not be disqualified from spending substantial time with the child simply because of a different parenting style...

    Essential factors are the proximity of the parents' two households, their ability to care for the child, the child's wishes and the risk of any violence or abuse...

    Ultimately, it is hoped that the new legislation, if passed, will mark a significant cultural change in the way that family law treats fathers.

    When children wish it, and their separated parents are emotionally and physically able to provide for them, and are geographically proximate, shared equal time between households is practical and desirable.

    The arrangement is obviously fair, and encourages co-operation for the benefit of the children.

    It would be a proud achievement if more children could continue to have a loving relationship with both their fathers and mothers.

Andrew Hale is a family law solicitor. Barry Apelbaum is a final-year law student at Monash University.


For more information:

Joint Parenting Association
Box 7115
West Lakes, South Australia 5021
Contact: Yuri Joakimidis

Fathers4Equality Australia
PO Box 57,


Fair is fair, isn't it?

As reported in The Independent the UK is planning on putting electronic tags on fathers who are behind in child support. Seems John Hutton,
Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, is all about the money. It also seems he's quite biased. Take a look at the last line of this excerpt:

    John Hutton... is determined to ensure that the agency improves its record on enforcing maintenance awards. He wants a culture change at the organisation, where the conciliatory approach to sensitive family problems has made staff wary of using draconian penalties. Mr Hutton believes that when conciliation fails, the agency must get tough on fathers who refuse to meet their commitments.
Considering that no one seriously consider putting electronic tags on mothers (or fathers) who don't abide by vistation orders and studies show that parents who have regular contact with their children pay maintenance on a more regular basis, it should be no surprise to read:

    A committee of MPs said in January that the agency was "teetering on the brink of collapse" and David Blunkett described it as "a complete shambles" when he was the Work and Pensions Secretary.

Happy Boxing Day

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Good news/Bad news/Great news

First I was happy,
my letter about VAWA
was published in the newspaper.

Then I was unhappy.
I found out it was inaccurate.
I was wrong!

Now I am thrilled.

Turns out VAWA does have the language we need to guarantee services to men who are victims of domestic violence. The money is not reserved for existing providers after all. Organizations that serve men can set up shelters, as long as we apply for the grant money. I urge every organization with a 501(c)3 status that serves fathers to do just that. If you are denied, then we can file a lawsuit. Hopefully we won't have to.

According to Michael Robinson of the California Alliance for Families and Children:
    "There is nothing in the language that we are aware of that says only those who are already getting grants will be eligible."
See below:
    Sec. 3. Universal Definitions and Grant Conditions. This section aggregates existing and new definitions of terms applicable to the Act. (Previously, relevant definitions were scattered in various Code provisions.) The section also sets forth universal conditions that apply to the Act’s new and existing grant programs, including a requirement that the programs be gender neutral and prohibitions on using funds for tort litigation or lobbying.

    From Sec. 4002

    (8) NONEXCLUSIVITY. Nothing in this title shall be construed to prohibit male victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking from receiving benefits and services under this title.


    (a) Study Required- The Comptroller General shall conduct a study to establish the extent to which men, women, youth, and children are victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and the availability to all victims of shelter, counseling, legal representation, and other services commonly provided to victims of domestic violence.

    (b) Activities Under Study- In conducting the study, the following shall apply:

    (1) CRIME STATISTICS- The Comptroller General shall not rely only on crime statistics, but may also use existing research available, including public health studies and academic studies.

    (2) SURVEY- The Comptroller General shall survey the Department of Justice, as well as any recipients of Federal funding for any purpose or an appropriate sampling of recipients, to determine--

    (A) what services are provided to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking;

    (B) whether those services are made available to youth, child, female, and male victims; and

    (C) the number, age, and gender of victims receiving each available service.

    (D) Report- Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General shall submit to Congress a report on the activities carried out under this section.

    The CDC data will not be able to be ignored now.
I want to thank Michael and David Burroughs for their tireless work. Please support the California Alliance for Families and Children.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Victory is sweet! PBS concedes - new film coming!

According to Ned Holstein of Fathers & Families:

    PBS will “commission an hour-long documentary” for the purpose of further examining the complex and important issues we have raised. PBS plans to produce and broadcast it in the spring of 2006.
Read F&F's critique of Breaking the Silence, the Children's Stories HERE. (pdf file)

Read Glenn Sack's write-up on the campaign HERE.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Archie O'Connor performs best F4J stunt ever!

The smallest Superhero has arrived!
Welcome Archie!

Archie O'Connor made his appearance via caesarean delivery at 9:44 am this morning (19th December 2005). Archie weighed 6lb 8oz. Archie's Daddy is Matt O'Connor, founder of Fathers 4 Justice. According to Mommy Nadine, Archie has been "Fathered for Justice."

Congratulations Matt and Nadine!

Love to the whole family from Teri, Feminist4Fathers

Sunday, December 18, 2005

More F4J Santa photos - UK and Canada

London D'Advent Demonstration

original story HERE

Vancouver Santa March 4 Justice

original story HERE


Santas march on Canada (photos), CA reviews child support guidelines, VAWA clarification

Annual F4J Santa March 4 Family Justice


About 2 dozen members and supporters of Fathers4Justice dressed as Santa and marched across the Lions Gate Bridge on their way to the Vancouver Art Gallery and the Vancouver Supreme Court yesterday. This caused northbound traffic to back up " far as the eye could see.", said Rob Robinson, Canada's First Batman, who was perched above the scene on an overpass with Robin the Boy Wonder and a large F4J banner. Some motorists shouted support, others weren't happy about the delay. One motorist got out of his vehicle and punched a Santa in the nose.

Many of the Santas, fathers and mothers, have been unjustly removed from their children's lives. When they arrived at the Vancouver Art Gallery they set up a Christmas tree, and along with Batman, Robin and The Hulk deposited the gifts they wish they could give their children.

The Santas then took the tree to the Vancouver Supreme Court, where a brief presentation was given by Robin QC (senior). He announced the delivery of coal to the BC judiciary for its efforts to enrich the lives of all families, as well as, "a special gift for three very special justices. Because of sanitary reasons these gifts ("Reindeer droppings") were sealed in plastic bags."

Fathers4Justice-Canada has a webpage where you can name your least favorite judge and add a suggested gift to the grinch list. In parting Batman (Robinson) said, "Stay tuned Victoria BC Canada, because the BC Justice League is heading your way."


Another 4 dozen members and supporters of fathers' and family rights dressed as Santa and crossed the Alexander Bridge on their way to Parliament Hill yesterday. Men, women and children from Fathers4Justice-Ottawa-Outaouais and other organizations carried signs that read "Stop the Injustice" and Daddy Loves You", among others. During the march motorists and pedestrians waved and honked in support of the marchers and their protest.

Once at Parliament Hill the marchers engaged in peaceful protest and symbolically decorated a Christmas tree where they laid out more than 50 of the 200 stuffed toys which were later donated to a charity.

The F4J Santa march for family justice was an historic first and marks the largest Fathers Rights protest ever held in the Ottawa-Outaouais region. F4J organizer Ron Sweeney called the march “historic” and afterwards said “this was a great success. The F4J wave (of change) will continue in the New Year 2006.”

more photos HERE


California Child Support Guideline Review

    In accordance with federal and state law, the Judicial Council reviews the statewide uniform child support guideline every four years. The DRAFT 2005 Review of California’s Statewide Uniform Child Support Guideline is now available on the Judicial Council of California’s web
    site for public review and comment HERE. (Click on Programs to find information on Child Support Program -AB 1058 with the link to the draft report).
    PDF file - DRAFT 2005 Review of California’s Statewide Uniform Child Support Guideline.
    To comment click HERE.

    The 2005 draft review includes tentative recommendations to the California Legislature for possible revisions to the Guideline with regard to the following issues:

    o Treatment of support orders among low-income families.
    o Treatment of the child’s share of the health insurance premium.
    o Application of the hardship deduction.

    A comment form is available at the web site provided or you may forward your comments by U.S. mail or e-mail to the address below. Please focus your comments on the recommendations and other substantive issues. Your comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on December 23, 2005 in order to be considered. All comments received will be reviewed and analyzed by Judicial Council staff and forwarded to the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee of the Judicial Council for its review. Once it is finalized, this review will be forwarded by the Judicial Council to the California Legislature.

    Please forward your comments by U.S. mail or e-mail to:
    CFCC AB 1058 Child Support Program
    Judicial Council of California
    455 Golden Gate Avenue
    San Francisco, California 94102
    Web Site
NOTE!!! Your comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on December 23, 2005 in order to be considered.

Thank you Spence, for always keeping us informed of developments in CA, and for the following website.

You can stay current with California family law bills HERE.


VAWA gender-neutral text clarification

I'd like to thank David Burroughs, of Safe Homes For Children and Families Coalition for clearing up the confusion about the gender-neutral text in VAWA. He states:

    [W]e did get the GAO language verbatim ( the Section 512 language now Title 1 Subtitle K Subsection.4105 SEC. 119) as I had submitted it to my contacts in the House.

    However, the Section 2005 language providing for gender neutral eligibility for grants did not survive and instead the watered down Senate version of that section was substituted. That language is not as strong as the original House language. It only provides that male victims can not be denied services.

    This is critical because the DOJ has consistently said while men can not be denied services, programs "focused" male victims are ineligible. This is obviously a disappointment HOWEVER, it is still movement forward. For the first time the Congress made explicit reference to male victims and made it clear they were to receive services. We will still attempt to use this as a basis for insisting the DOJ make grants available but beyond that we will initiate a campaign to challenge every Federal recipient shelter/service provider who turns away men saying " We don't shelter men"

And last, but not least, I'd like to thank Mike
at MensNewsDaily for hosting my blog.
I'm proud to be a BLOGWONK.


Saturday, December 17, 2005

In this time of holiday magic, a miracle..or is it?

Today the Senate/House Conference Committee approved the final version of the VAWA. Many people are relieved, knowing women and children in abusive situations will continue to have services in times of crisis.

No one is happier about VAWA’s status today than some fathers’ rights activists. This may surprise you. You may have read that the fathers’ rights movement is comprised of abusive men, the men that hurt these women and children. Rumor is it they want to take custody of their children as a way to hurt their victims again.

Those are just rumors, put in print by people opposing joint child custody. The truth is I’m a fathers’ rights activist, and I’m a 50-year-old feminist grandma and single mom. I’m proud to associate with the men and women in the fathers’ rights movement.

We are mothers and fathers, loved ones, friends, professionals and concerned citizens. We work for equality for all fit parents, both genders. We support equal physical custody for all fit parents who desire it and collaborative co-parenting whenever possible.

David Burroughs who wrote the text said,

    “Through the hard work and support of many dedicated supporters of equality we have succeeded in having language inserted in the VAWA that makes it clear to the DOJ [Department Of Justice] VAWO [Violence Against Women Office] that it can no longer circumvent the original intent of Congress that this legislation provide shelter and services to all victims of domestic violence regardless of their gender.

    It is a first step in excising the radical feminist model of domestic violence which asserts that only women can be victims and only men perpetrators and replacing it with the real world model that recognizes that domestic violence is committed by individuals who lack the ability to navigate relationships in a healthy mutually beneficial way and as a consequence resort to emotional and physical abuse through the use of emotional manipulation and intimidation and/or physical abuse. These characteristics derive from psychological shortcomings and are not unique to any one gender.

    A lot of wonderful dedicated people made this effort successful. The list is long but I must say that without the organizational work of Michael Robinson as well as his daily support for this effort it would not likely have succeeded.

    While there were a number of individual Senators and Congresspersons from both parties who stood up for justice and equality we must acknowledge the extraordinary leadership of House Judiciary Chairman Sensenbrenner as well as Ranking Member Conyers and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Specter and Senator Hatch.”

Some thought this would never happen, especially the men who have suffered VAWA’s noxious consequences. Some of the men in the fathers’ movement couldn’t take their children to a shelter when their wives were battering them. Some have been falsely accused of abuse. Others were arrested when they had been the victims.

It’s about time these fathers get support and services to help them protect their children.

The California Alliance for Families and Children drafted AB1307 California's Shared Parenting bill, and SB1082 California's Military Child Support and Custody bill. To support the work that the CAFC is doing on behalf of families visit CAFC.

Safe Homes for Children and Families Coalition

California Alliance for Families and Children


Join Fathers4Justice-Canada's Santa March 2005 TODAY!, Arnie photos

Santa March 2005
Today, December 17

From Burnaby Batman, Fathers4Justice-Canada

To all Santas interested in marching over the Lions Gate Bridge into Vancouver.

Gather in the parking lot at the White Spot Restaurant at Park Royale South in West Vancouver at 9:30 AM. Crossing will be at 10. Approximately 11 AM more Santas will meet-up at the Vancouver Art Gallery back steps located at Robson & Hornby Streets. From there to Vancouver BC Supreme Court at 800 Smythe Street.

A Christmas tree will be set-up, and Santas (mothers, fathers and grandparents separated from their children) will place their donations that might otherwise have gone to their own children, if only they could see them. These donations will be then collected by the Greater Vancouver Food Bank and Christmas Bureau.

A wagon of coal will be left behind for the judiciary.


Arnie ends his trek


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Could joint physical custody have saved Courtney's life?, more

Could joint physical custody have saved Courtney's life?
    Police believe sadistic Gareth Rees, 21, [mum's live-in boyfriend] killed Courtney - who suffered 100 injuries - by either kicking, punching or swinging her by her legs and hitting her head against a wall during Christmas last year...Heartless mum Sandra Bennell, 24, of Borth Walk, Baguley, who turned a blind eye to what was happening, was jailed for three years after admitting child cruelty against Courtney and another child...

    [H]er biological father, Paul Crockett, 24...said: "Ten years is not enough. When I saw her in hospital I could not believe what he had done to her. I have a lot of anger."...She died just a few days later in hospital on January 5...

    Rees had not known Bennell for long but had moved into her house by December and become sole carer for the child.
Judge Clement Goldstone told Bennell, "Your behaviour did not help because you were out with different men on several consecutive nights sleeping away from home, not seeking to exercise any parental responsibility and at the very least, turning a blind eye to the ill treatment to which the child was being subjected on an ever-increasing basis."

Now tell me, why wasn't this child in the care of her father all those nights the mother was out on the town? This type of situation is repeating itself in many towns, in many countries. In fact, new male partners are the most likely to sexually abuse children, not biological fathers. And mothers physically abuse and neglect children more than fathers. When will public policy around child abuse and child custody catch up to reality?

Fathers want to protect their children, and they deserve that right!

The entire ManchesterOnline article is HERE.

Phyllis Schlafly speaks with PEP

Thanks to Jim Loose at People for Equal Parenting (PEP, in Texas) and PEP Talk Radio you can hear Phyllis Schlafly speak on the child support system and equal custody HERE. (mp3 file) You can find Ms. Schlafly's webpage on fathers HERE.

Update on John Murtari

You can read John's update HERE. John is founder of A Kids Right.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Jail or Justice for John?, International child kidnappings, Custody and holidays, Boyhood, PAS

How far are YOU willing to go?

By the time you read this John Murtari's fate will probably be sealed. He has a court date in Lyons, New York, at 8:30 am Monday morning. John, founder of A Kids Right is challenging his license suspension. In fact, John doesn't want anyone having their drivers license taken away for owing child support. I have to admit I've never understood the logic of the idea. Why inhibit parents who owe child support from going to their jobs? It's crazy nonsense if you ask me. Okay, you didn't.

John is taking a stand. He has voluntarily admitted to driving with a suspended license on more then 100 occasions. With a 12-year-old son looking forward to his holiday visit with Dad, and with a terminally ill elderly mother who relies on his daily care, John isn't taking any of this lightly. I hope John's faith, and pure unadulterated logic lead to a conclusion steeped in truth and justice.

(12/12/05 update here)

All of these beautiful images are available for sale from Amberell Photography and Digital Imaging. Thanks Dave.

International kidnappings

- please help find these kids in the states! -


From Karl, Emily's Daddy:

Emily is a beautiful little girl who has been treated disgustingly - taken from her home, her family, safety, security and love to be denied medical treatment for her blindness, given up for an unlawful adoption and to be cared for by a convicted paedophile. All of us here in England and many in America, are deeply disturbed and upset at what has been done to Emily and how it can be that this beautiful innocent baby can be so badly treated - it is too shameful and disgusting for words.

As her father, I am completely at a loss to explain what has been done - but understanding what has been done is nowhere near as important as finding Emily and protecting her and, God willing, bringing her home if she is still alive. Someone out there knows what has happened to Emily - she needs medical help NOW - she will become permanently blind if she does not get treated. Please come forward and let us know where Emily is - the NCMEC can be reached in confidence on 1-800-THE LOST - ask to speak to Jeremy Cassano or email me at or call Cindy Hartz in Florida on 386 677 0822 - please help.

    For Emily,

    I love you my little girl and we all miss you terribly. Max and Dizzy asked why I'm not going to be home for Christmas today, when they heard I was coming to look for you they asked me to wish you Happy Christmas and they want you home for Christmas for their present too.

    Wherever and with whoever you are darling, we will find you - Daddy will never stop looking, so hold on poppit, hold on - Daddy will never quit on you.

    I love you with all my heart,

For more info click HERE.

Conner and Keifer

From Conner and Keifer's Dad:

As far as I know Fiona and the family have moved to the States. We do not have any idea where. The only connection she has is her Auntie Cynthia (Who has a criminal record) who lived in Los Angeles around 1987. She may still live there. Fiona may have remarried since the death of her late husband and she may have even changed the children's names.

To read their story click HERE.

Holiday season sparks child custody fights

This piece in the Napa Valley Register is an example of why there should be a real push for collaborative co-parenting. Some parents think the holidays are stressful because of custody and visitation issues. I wonder how many of them have taken the time to see it through their children's eyes.

    Napa Superior Court Commissioner Michael Williams said he's seen it all before. "What happens is people come in on Dec. 20 because they don't know where the child is going to be on Dec. 25," he said..."Sometimes I say 'OK, Christmas Eve with you and Christmas Day with you,' just because they need something, but it's not how we would like to proceed...

    Williams' solution? Give peace a chance and go to mediation. "(With) constant squabbling and criticizing and bickering, children are going to be damaged because they're not going to have a good example of how to resolve problems," he said.

Rick Montgomery writes on boyhood

I'd like to thank Rick for these 3 articles on the struggles of boys. I have always supported changes that bring equality to girls, but now it seems our society has taken it way too far.

Help Stop PAS free presentation

Jewish Community Center
5601 S Braeswood Ave, Houston, Texas
Monday, December 19th, 7:00 PM

Judith Miller, LCSW, will discuss the CPS approach on families when parental alienation has begun. Parents and professionals are welcome and we encourage you to bring others who may benefit from this experience. We ask that parents experiencing alienation NOT bring their children. Contact Help Stop PAS at the email address or phone number below for questions or more information.

Help Stop PAS
A Non-Profit 501 (c)(3) Organization

All of these beautiful images are available for sale from
Amberell Photography and Digital Imaging. Thanks Dave.

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Saturday, December 10, 2005

Santas Storm London - photos

to join the UK campaign for truth, justice and equality click here

photos courtesy of phill + Llewy

more photos HERE

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Xmas Chaos, more protests, and a contest...

Fathers4Justice Xmas Chaos

Fathers4Justice (UK) invites you to join hundreds of Santas (fathers) who will be leaving toys on the steps of the Department for Work & Pensions, the Royal Courts of Justice and St Paul's Cathedral on Friday, December 9, 2005. These toys represent the toys they haven't been able to give their own children, since they've been kept from contact by the actions or lack of action by the family courts.

Said a spokesman, "Everything this government touches to do with family law turns into a dysfunctional mess. Both ends of the family legal system, the Child Support Agency (CSA) & the court welfare service (Cafcass) are in meltdown. You cannot look at any one of these ends in isolation, there should be a public enquiry into how we change family law for the benefit of children and their families."

Meet at Tufton Street Westmister (nearest tube Westmister) at 10:00am. (MARCHING WITH A DJ AND THE SANTA BUS FROM THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND'S HEAD OFFICE, PAST PARLIAMENT, DOWNING STREET, THE CSA HEAD OFFICE, ROYAL COURTS OF JUSTICE AND ST PAULS) The march and demonstration should last until 2:00pm. (Wear Santa suits and bring bells, whistles, other noisemakers and toys.)


For further information call 01787 281922 or 07795 341 110

Or visit

I wish Matt and Nadine all the best with the upcoming birth of their child due Christmas Day.


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New Zealand Men and Women
Protest Anti-male Discrimination

Auckland was the scene of a loud protest against Air New Zealand's anti-male policies. Learn more HERE.

Thanks Jim.


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our frappr map!


New York has an elephant in the room!

Fathers and Families New York made an appearance at Albany's annual tree-lighting ceremony December 4, 2005

For more information visit New York Civil Rights Council and FaFNY.

Good job!


CONTEST for CA Shared Parenting
Ballot Initiative signature gatherers

FAIR is offering to pay $1000 to the first volunteer who submits 2000 qualified signatures to their county coordinator for the California shared parenting ballot initiative. (Not including Los Angeles county)

FAIR is also offering to pay $1000 to the first volunteer who submits 2000 qualified signatures from Los Angeles county.

Information and petitions at:

You must have filled out a volunteer tracker, contacted your county coordinator, and cannot be a member of FAIR, a county coordinator, or a paid signature gatherer. The same individual cannot apply for both offers. These offer will expire after christmas.

Together Everyone Achieves More

Thanks FAIR and everyone else involved in this.


Take a look at

Naughty Judge Gift List for Santa

Funny stuff, and educational, F4J-canada.


Fathers4Justice-Netherlands causing havoc

Fathers4Justice-Netherlands crusaders have visited the Christian Democrat Party offices, lawyers offices and many offices of the Kinderbescherming (the Dutch CAFCASS). The offices of the 'Order of Lawyers' (Orde van Advocaten) are also reported to have been sealed today. Apparently some buildings have been blocked by reinforced concrete.

On December 5, 2005 a spokesperson for F4J said, "Whilst children are still being denied access to their fathers, F4J will continue to deny the family law industry access to their offices".

"Christmas is a tremendously difficult time for Dads and especially so for their children. Whilst judges, lawyers and Kinderbescherming employees will be tucking into their Christmas Dinners, many children will be isolated from half their families this Christmas"

"Today is the children's Saint Nicholas festival, yet all these parents and children want is simply to be able to see each other again". One child in five in Holland grows up in enforced isolation from its own family as a direct result of the failed family legal system.

There were news items on the following media: (popular dutch news server for most news pages) (reuters) (regional tv channel for the Hague and west Netherlands) (the main national daily newspaper)

Wow, gutsy, F4J-NL!


I made snowflakes
for you, my mother friends,
for you, my father friends,
and one for me.
(best viewed with broadband)

Happy Holidays!

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