Santas march on Canada (photos), CA reviews child support guidelines, VAWA clarification
Annual F4J Santa March 4 Family Justice

California Child Support Guideline Review
Thank you Spence, for always keeping us informed of developments in CA, and for the following website.
You can stay current with California family law bills HERE.
About 2 dozen members and supporters of Fathers4Justice dressed as Santa and marched across the Lions Gate Bridge on their way to the Vancouver Art Gallery and the Vancouver Supreme Court yesterday. This caused northbound traffic to back up " far as the eye could see.", said Rob Robinson, Canada's First Batman, who was perched above the scene on an overpass with Robin the Boy Wonder and a large F4J banner. Some motorists shouted support, others weren't happy about the delay. One motorist got out of his vehicle and punched a Santa in the nose.
Many of the Santas, fathers and mothers, have been unjustly removed from their children's lives. When they arrived at the Vancouver Art Gallery they set up a Christmas tree, and along with Batman, Robin and The Hulk deposited the gifts they wish they could give their children.
The Santas then took the tree to the Vancouver Supreme Court, where a brief presentation was given by Robin QC (senior). He announced the delivery of coal to the BC judiciary for its efforts to enrich the lives of all families, as well as, "a special gift for three very special justices. Because of sanitary reasons these gifts ("Reindeer droppings") were sealed in plastic bags."
Fathers4Justice-Canada has a webpage where you can name your least favorite judge and add a suggested gift to the grinch list. In parting Batman (Robinson) said, "Stay tuned Victoria BC Canada, because the BC Justice League is heading your way."

Another 4 dozen members and supporters of fathers' and family rights dressed as Santa and crossed the Alexander Bridge on their way to Parliament Hill yesterday. Men, women and children from Fathers4Justice-Ottawa-Outaouais and other organizations carried signs that read "Stop the Injustice" and Daddy Loves You", among others. During the march motorists and pedestrians waved and honked in support of the marchers and their protest.
Once at Parliament Hill the marchers engaged in peaceful protest and symbolically decorated a Christmas tree where they laid out more than 50 of the 200 stuffed toys which were later donated to a charity.
The F4J Santa march for family justice was an historic first and marks the largest Fathers Rights protest ever held in the Ottawa-Outaouais region. F4J organizer Ron Sweeney called the march “historic” and afterwards said “this was a great success. The F4J wave (of change) will continue in the New Year 2006.”
more photos HERE
Many of the Santas, fathers and mothers, have been unjustly removed from their children's lives. When they arrived at the Vancouver Art Gallery they set up a Christmas tree, and along with Batman, Robin and The Hulk deposited the gifts they wish they could give their children.
The Santas then took the tree to the Vancouver Supreme Court, where a brief presentation was given by Robin QC (senior). He announced the delivery of coal to the BC judiciary for its efforts to enrich the lives of all families, as well as, "a special gift for three very special justices. Because of sanitary reasons these gifts ("Reindeer droppings") were sealed in plastic bags."
Fathers4Justice-Canada has a webpage where you can name your least favorite judge and add a suggested gift to the grinch list. In parting Batman (Robinson) said, "Stay tuned Victoria BC Canada, because the BC Justice League is heading your way."
Another 4 dozen members and supporters of fathers' and family rights dressed as Santa and crossed the Alexander Bridge on their way to Parliament Hill yesterday. Men, women and children from Fathers4Justice-Ottawa-Outaouais and other organizations carried signs that read "Stop the Injustice" and Daddy Loves You", among others. During the march motorists and pedestrians waved and honked in support of the marchers and their protest.
Once at Parliament Hill the marchers engaged in peaceful protest and symbolically decorated a Christmas tree where they laid out more than 50 of the 200 stuffed toys which were later donated to a charity.
The F4J Santa march for family justice was an historic first and marks the largest Fathers Rights protest ever held in the Ottawa-Outaouais region. F4J organizer Ron Sweeney called the march “historic” and afterwards said “this was a great success. The F4J wave (of change) will continue in the New Year 2006.”
more photos HERE
California Child Support Guideline Review
- In accordance with federal and state law, the Judicial Council reviews the statewide uniform child support guideline every four years. The DRAFT 2005 Review of California’s Statewide Uniform Child Support Guideline is now available on the Judicial Council of California’s web
site for public review and comment HERE. (Click on Programs to find information on Child Support Program -AB 1058 with the link to the draft report).
PDF file - DRAFT 2005 Review of California’s Statewide Uniform Child Support Guideline.
To comment click HERE.
The 2005 draft review includes tentative recommendations to the California Legislature for possible revisions to the Guideline with regard to the following issues:
o Treatment of support orders among low-income families.
o Treatment of the child’s share of the health insurance premium.
o Application of the hardship deduction.
A comment form is available at the web site provided or you may forward your comments by U.S. mail or e-mail to the address below. Please focus your comments on the recommendations and other substantive issues. Your comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on December 23, 2005 in order to be considered. All comments received will be reviewed and analyzed by Judicial Council staff and forwarded to the Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee of the Judicial Council for its review. Once it is finalized, this review will be forwarded by the Judicial Council to the California Legislature.
Please forward your comments by U.S. mail or e-mail to:
CFCC AB 1058 Child Support Program
Judicial Council of California
455 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, California 94102
Web Site
Thank you Spence, for always keeping us informed of developments in CA, and for the following website.
You can stay current with California family law bills HERE.
VAWA gender-neutral text clarification
VAWA gender-neutral text clarification
I'd like to thank David Burroughs, of Safe Homes For Children and Families Coalition for clearing up the confusion about the gender-neutral text in VAWA. He states:
- [W]e did get the GAO language verbatim ( the Section 512 language now Title 1 Subtitle K Subsection.4105 SEC. 119) as I had submitted it to my contacts in the House.
However, the Section 2005 language providing for gender neutral eligibility for grants did not survive and instead the watered down Senate version of that section was substituted. That language is not as strong as the original House language. It only provides that male victims can not be denied services.
This is critical because the DOJ has consistently said while men can not be denied services, programs "focused" male victims are ineligible. This is obviously a disappointment HOWEVER, it is still movement forward. For the first time the Congress made explicit reference to male victims and made it clear they were to receive services. We will still attempt to use this as a basis for insisting the DOJ make grants available but beyond that we will initiate a campaign to challenge every Federal recipient shelter/service provider who turns away men saying " We don't shelter men"
And last, but not least, I'd like to thank Mike
at MensNewsDaily for hosting my blog.
I'm proud to be a BLOGWONK.

at MensNewsDaily for hosting my blog.
I'm proud to be a BLOGWONK.
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