Children deserve fully functioning, natural, loving, dedicated relationships with both of their parents, equally, in and out of marriage, whenever possible. Joint physical custody and co-parenting can benefit families, especially children. I'm an advocate for collaborative or cooperative, shared or co-parenting, as well as laws that encourage equality: a strong presumption for both parents', as well as extended family's involvement in children's lives.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Xmas Chaos, more protests, and a contest...

Fathers4Justice Xmas Chaos

Fathers4Justice (UK) invites you to join hundreds of Santas (fathers) who will be leaving toys on the steps of the Department for Work & Pensions, the Royal Courts of Justice and St Paul's Cathedral on Friday, December 9, 2005. These toys represent the toys they haven't been able to give their own children, since they've been kept from contact by the actions or lack of action by the family courts.

Said a spokesman, "Everything this government touches to do with family law turns into a dysfunctional mess. Both ends of the family legal system, the Child Support Agency (CSA) & the court welfare service (Cafcass) are in meltdown. You cannot look at any one of these ends in isolation, there should be a public enquiry into how we change family law for the benefit of children and their families."

Meet at Tufton Street Westmister (nearest tube Westmister) at 10:00am. (MARCHING WITH A DJ AND THE SANTA BUS FROM THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND'S HEAD OFFICE, PAST PARLIAMENT, DOWNING STREET, THE CSA HEAD OFFICE, ROYAL COURTS OF JUSTICE AND ST PAULS) The march and demonstration should last until 2:00pm. (Wear Santa suits and bring bells, whistles, other noisemakers and toys.)


For further information call 01787 281922 or 07795 341 110

Or visit

I wish Matt and Nadine all the best with the upcoming birth of their child due Christmas Day.


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New Zealand Men and Women
Protest Anti-male Discrimination

Auckland was the scene of a loud protest against Air New Zealand's anti-male policies. Learn more HERE.

Thanks Jim.


Please add yourself or your organization to
our frappr map!


New York has an elephant in the room!

Fathers and Families New York made an appearance at Albany's annual tree-lighting ceremony December 4, 2005

For more information visit New York Civil Rights Council and FaFNY.

Good job!


CONTEST for CA Shared Parenting
Ballot Initiative signature gatherers

FAIR is offering to pay $1000 to the first volunteer who submits 2000 qualified signatures to their county coordinator for the California shared parenting ballot initiative. (Not including Los Angeles county)

FAIR is also offering to pay $1000 to the first volunteer who submits 2000 qualified signatures from Los Angeles county.

Information and petitions at:

You must have filled out a volunteer tracker, contacted your county coordinator, and cannot be a member of FAIR, a county coordinator, or a paid signature gatherer. The same individual cannot apply for both offers. These offer will expire after christmas.

Together Everyone Achieves More

Thanks FAIR and everyone else involved in this.


Take a look at

Naughty Judge Gift List for Santa

Funny stuff, and educational, F4J-canada.


Fathers4Justice-Netherlands causing havoc

Fathers4Justice-Netherlands crusaders have visited the Christian Democrat Party offices, lawyers offices and many offices of the Kinderbescherming (the Dutch CAFCASS). The offices of the 'Order of Lawyers' (Orde van Advocaten) are also reported to have been sealed today. Apparently some buildings have been blocked by reinforced concrete.

On December 5, 2005 a spokesperson for F4J said, "Whilst children are still being denied access to their fathers, F4J will continue to deny the family law industry access to their offices".

"Christmas is a tremendously difficult time for Dads and especially so for their children. Whilst judges, lawyers and Kinderbescherming employees will be tucking into their Christmas Dinners, many children will be isolated from half their families this Christmas"

"Today is the children's Saint Nicholas festival, yet all these parents and children want is simply to be able to see each other again". One child in five in Holland grows up in enforced isolation from its own family as a direct result of the failed family legal system.

There were news items on the following media: (popular dutch news server for most news pages) (reuters) (regional tv channel for the Hague and west Netherlands) (the main national daily newspaper)

Wow, gutsy, F4J-NL!


I made snowflakes
for you, my mother friends,
for you, my father friends,
and one for me.
(best viewed with broadband)

Happy Holidays!

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