Children deserve fully functioning, natural, loving, dedicated relationships with both of their parents, equally, in and out of marriage, whenever possible. Joint physical custody and co-parenting can benefit families, especially children. I'm an advocate for collaborative or cooperative, shared or co-parenting, as well as laws that encourage equality: a strong presumption for both parents', as well as extended family's involvement in children's lives.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Could joint physical custody have saved Courtney's life?, more

Could joint physical custody have saved Courtney's life?
    Police believe sadistic Gareth Rees, 21, [mum's live-in boyfriend] killed Courtney - who suffered 100 injuries - by either kicking, punching or swinging her by her legs and hitting her head against a wall during Christmas last year...Heartless mum Sandra Bennell, 24, of Borth Walk, Baguley, who turned a blind eye to what was happening, was jailed for three years after admitting child cruelty against Courtney and another child...

    [H]er biological father, Paul Crockett, 24...said: "Ten years is not enough. When I saw her in hospital I could not believe what he had done to her. I have a lot of anger."...She died just a few days later in hospital on January 5...

    Rees had not known Bennell for long but had moved into her house by December and become sole carer for the child.
Judge Clement Goldstone told Bennell, "Your behaviour did not help because you were out with different men on several consecutive nights sleeping away from home, not seeking to exercise any parental responsibility and at the very least, turning a blind eye to the ill treatment to which the child was being subjected on an ever-increasing basis."

Now tell me, why wasn't this child in the care of her father all those nights the mother was out on the town? This type of situation is repeating itself in many towns, in many countries. In fact, new male partners are the most likely to sexually abuse children, not biological fathers. And mothers physically abuse and neglect children more than fathers. When will public policy around child abuse and child custody catch up to reality?

Fathers want to protect their children, and they deserve that right!

The entire ManchesterOnline article is HERE.

Phyllis Schlafly speaks with PEP

Thanks to Jim Loose at People for Equal Parenting (PEP, in Texas) and PEP Talk Radio you can hear Phyllis Schlafly speak on the child support system and equal custody HERE. (mp3 file) You can find Ms. Schlafly's webpage on fathers HERE.

Update on John Murtari

You can read John's update HERE. John is founder of A Kids Right.


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