...for all fathers who know the horrors of being eradicated from their children’s lives...
........... Fathers-4-Justice Canada ............

My name is Robert Robinson aka ...... Canada's First Batman ......
I am the biological father of Rachel May Nitura. Officially unacknowledged as such in spite of conclusive DNA evidence. The same compelling evidence that was utilized to substantiate a child support payment from me however at the same time not compelling enough for the Supreme Court of BC to make an order acknowledging my paternity. For a daughter I am not permitted to know. In direct contravention of a Supreme Court of Canada order pursuant to the Trociuk decision in June of 2003.
Nearly two years ago I donned my cape and took to the skies in Burnaby BC Canada in search for justice for all those who know the pain and suffering of being alienated from their kin. On May 22, 2004 I scaled the tower crane at Middle Gate Mall in Burnaby BCon a dark and rainy night dressed as Batman and remained perilously perched upon it for 18 hours in protest.
In March of 2005 I scaled the Victoria Legislature.
The rest is history. History that is about to repeat itself once more..................
On May 18/2004, four days before my fateful climb I wrote a letter (included as an attachment) that would hopefully explain my actions in the event of my untimely demise. A letter that still rings true to this day............ As such I have included it once more in the event of tragedy............
In Solidarity Forever: Rob R - Batman -

I am writing this letter to be made public to all. I have decided it is time to don my cape and take to the skies in search of Justice for all fathers who know the horrors of being eradicated from their children’s lives compliments of your friendly neighborhood family courts. I have exhausted all means of ever achieving Justice or ever knowing my 5 year old daughter Rachel May Nitura so long as evil deeds are sanctioned by not only our Supreme Courts but our Legislators also. In a desperate attempt to restore common sense and dignity I make this stand. I am of the belief that when my society is more irrational than my circumstances it is time to do something about it. So in an effort to resurrect my shattered life and to be the voice of reason on my daughter’s behalf I will take to the skies in search of justice.
I am a father who was deceived in marriage as well as fatherhood. I am legally married to a woman I have never cohabited with who had and gave my child to another man which included listing him as the biological father.
In December 1999 after nine months of residing in apartment set up for my wife and child, my wife assuring me we would be together as a family and baiting me faithfully with my little girl, no changes were forth coming. I initiated legal action in an attempt to make right the wrongs and to have my paternity and my relationship with my daughter established.
In June of 2000 before Justice Cole of the SCBC a child support payment was issued to me based on the conclusive DNA evidence I presented establishing my paternity. In my notice of motion I asked that I be officially recognized as my daughter’s biological father, that the other man be ordered stricken from the birth registration and that I have time with my daughter.
The Defendant (mother) Corrina Helmer proclaimed to the court that my daughter and she did not know me or have any relationship with me. This was a lie. She further proclaimed her and her common law, Dan Nitura were the happy parents of my daughter.
At this same time, Corrina was proclaiming to our social and economic system that she was separated, with child, without even the basic necessities. Corrina availed herself of all the benefits available to her and as such defrauded many government ministries in the process. Because of legal evidence provided by me, she was also caught for the same.
Justice Cole swept aside my petition to have the other man removed from the birth registration of my daughter and would not officially recognize me as the biological father. Justice Cole further ordered me to pay child support based on the same DNA evidence and ordered me to supervised visits with my daughter without any show of harm. He further indicated, as legal evidence will validate that this access should only need to be supervised for two months.
After four months of supervised access, most of which faithfully denied (In spite of court order.) by Corrina Helmer and no transition into denied unsupervised access I again found myself before Justice Cole of the SCBC in October 04, 2000. This was the day that my faith in our justice system was broken. Once more I was also asking the other man be stricken from the birth registration and my paternity recognized. As well as my unsupervised visits.
Thanks to false allegations of domestic violence, fabricated evidence, and theatrics performed by the defendant’s new parasite lawyer Barry J Promislow from MacQuarrie Hobkirk Barristers & Solicitors. Suite 2020 – 777 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC Canada V6Z – 1T7, Phone - (604) 684 – 6255, Fax (604) 684 – 7575, E Mail info@lawfirmmh.com, web site – www.lawfirmmh.com
I was slammed to hell and my motion dismissed.
Immediately after my daughter’s mother completely cut off my access to my little girl. After 4 weeks this denied supervised access was reinstated with another hearing before Cole in November 27, 2000. The defendant claimed that she was unaware that access was to continue after the initial two-month order. Barry J Promislow indicated that since I had never petitioned the court for new access then it was reasonable to conclude that the initial 2 month trial period was up and therefore I was to get none.
Meanwhile while this was going on I was continually fighting with the Vital Statistics Agency of BC to recognize my paternity and strike the other man from the birth registration. This included submitting the DNA and filing all the necessary forms and fees with no reasonable resolution forth coming. I began the process to correct my daughters birth registration in 1999. My BC Vital Stats file summary brief clearly depicts initiatives taken by me in this regard.
In February 2001, with a pending court hearing on the horizon and a section 15 report underway by forensic physiologist Dr. Michael Elterman. Corrina, in another desperate attempt to alienate me from my child, reported to the authorities that I had sexually abused my then 2 year old daughter during a supervised access visit at her mothers home with three supervisors present and an access visit Corrina was not in attendance of. I was then to be investigated for 6 months by the RCMP. I was denied access again in spite of court order at the direction of parasite Barry J Promislow.
As a copy of the truncated police report I obtained through the Freedom of information act will indicate, the allegations were found to be completely unfounded and made in a malicious manner. The section 15 report by Dr. Michael Elterman concluded in favor of my parenting of my daughter and raised serious speculation to Corrina Helmer’s judgement. It should also be known at this time I had completed several parenting courses, was an experienced tradesman and a volunteer fire fighter in my local community.
At this same time the defendant’s attorney hired a private investigator to run me off the ranch to no avail. Obstruction of justice I believe is the criminal code for it.
When these attempts failed the mother Corrina Helmer just cut my denied supervised access off altogether. The last time I was permitted to see my daughter was July 2, 2001. Rachel had just turned three years old. The last time I saw her was for 29 minutes in Burger King before she was once again torn away from me by the mother’s contemptuous sister Debra Nessbit.
In September of 2001 after many on going communications with BC Vital Statistics and the Ministry of Health I was contacted by the Honorable Minister of Health, Collin Hansen who assisted me and later brought about the other man being stricken from the birth registration of my daughter. (Four years later.)
I was to be further informed by the Minister that I needed a court order from the court in order to recognize my paternity in spite of DNA evidence.
In November of 2001 I came before Justice Slade of the New Westminster Supreme Court BC Canada to obtain that order with the letter from the Minister of Health submitted into evidence. I also brought all my evidence before him of all that had occurred substantiating all the claims I was making. This included police report; section 15 report, legal evidence to her frauds, audio taped conversations of my attempts to gain access to my daughter and the abusive actions of the mother to thwart my court ordered access.
Within my Notice of Motion I was asking that the mother be found in contempt of court for blatantly denying me my access 85% of the time, I was further asking that the court acknowledge my paternity based on the same DNA evidence that compelled them to issue me child support payments, that the other man be stricken from the birth registration, and that I be able to spend time with my daughter again with a police enforcement clause attached to that access.
Justice Slade refused to make an order acknowledging my paternity, refused to order the other man stricken from the birth registration, stuck the contempt motion, reinstated my access again to be supervised and promised to be the enforcement of my access.
By December 2001 as a direct result of my continual efforts and the honorable Minister of Health Collin Hansen, the other man was removed from my daughter’s birth registration and the registration officially cancelled as a result of the mothers negligence to even respond to the Vital Statistics Agency.
January 2002 I found myself again before Justice Slade having not been permitted my access to my daughter and again raising the same paternity issues. Justice Slade in turn reduced my denied access to even less than it was already which was two days a week for three hours a visit to 3 visits a month for two hours each. To be in a facility that had a $30.00 an hour policy, prepaid in advance, with a no money back guarantee should the child not show up. In spite of overwhelming evidence showing the mother was in contempt of an access order. Hello? What’s wrong with this picture and might this be deemed a little cruel and unusual given the same? To add insult to injury he granted the defendant’s request that I would not be permitted to make up any time lost. He further would have nothing to do with the paternity issues and was concerned that I seemed agitated by the injustice I was fortunate enough to be bestowed. This was the last effort I made in the courts to find equal justice and after having been in the courts both Provincial and Supreme since 1999 I knew that there was no way in hell I would ever see my little girl again as the BC family Courts endorsed and empowered vindictive mothers to systematically remove fathers from their children’s lives.
In June of 2002 with my daughter’s birth registration still officially cancelled, I filed for a new birth registration for my little girl as the mother had failed to do so. I submitted the DNA evidence again, a copy of the marriage license again showing I was the legal spouse of the mother, and asked they waive the fee in light that they had already ripped me off for $56.00 and had done nothing. I was soon to receive a notice saying thanks for applying and come back when I have a court order recognizing my paternity.
Several weeks after this event I was to learn through follow up that the mother’s lawyer had intervened and counseled his client to violate the constitution of Canada and the Charter of rights and freedoms by officially un-acknowledging my paternity as a solution.
In August of 2002 I filed a complaint with my ombudsman against both the BC Vital Statistics Agency and the Law Society. The BC Ombudsman’s office indicated that my circumstances were not unreasonable in a democratic society.
On June 4, 2003, in a Supreme Court of Canada decision overturning the BC Supreme and Appeal Courts decision the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in the “Trociuk’ case that for a mother to arbitrarily deny the particulars of a biological father based only on a whim as was allowed under portions of the BC Vital Statistics Act was in direct contravention of the Constitution of Canada and section 15(1) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Citing discrimination based on gender and ordered that the BC Provincial Legislators had one year to amend the BC Vital Statistics Act to not discriminate or it would be of no force or effect.
December 1, 2003, I filed an official complaint with the BC Human Rights Tribunal against her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of BC, Ministry of Health, Vital Statistics, Corrina Helmer, Barry J Promislow, Dan Nitura, Justice Cole, Justice Slade, BC Vital Stats Regional Manager Bill Moncour, and former CEO and director of vital Stats R.J. Danderfer for discrimination.
In April 2004 the BC Human Rights Tribunal informed me that since it had been 11 months since the last time I was discriminated against they would not accept my complaint.
As it stands I have not been permitted to see my little girl in three years and no longer even know where she lives in spite of a court order saying my daughter is not permitted out of the lower mainland of BC Canada.
To date I am denied a relationship with my child, ordered to pay support for her and officially unrecognized as her biological father compliments of the Canada BC Supreme Court. Don’t it make you proud to be a Canadian?
So for those who may be wondering why I have donned a Batman’s costume and taken to the skies of Vancouver I hope this helps to explain my actions. All I ever wanted was to have my little girl in my life the way she was supposed to be. Why in hell does that have to be so complicated?
Batman – Robert Robinson