Children deserve fully functioning, natural, loving, dedicated relationships with both of their parents, equally, in and out of marriage, whenever possible. Joint physical custody and co-parenting can benefit families, especially children. I'm an advocate for collaborative or cooperative, shared or co-parenting, as well as laws that encourage equality: a strong presumption for both parents', as well as extended family's involvement in children's lives.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

...for all fathers who know the horrors of being eradicated from their children’s lives...

Wake Up BC Canada - There Are Bats In The Attic
........... Fathers-4-Justice Canada ............

Greetings from Vancouver BC Canada and the Burnaby Batman

My name is Robert Robinson aka ...... Canada's First Batman ......

I am the biological father of Rachel May Nitura. Officially unacknowledged as such in spite of conclusive DNA evidence. The same compelling evidence that was utilized to substantiate a child support payment from me however at the same time not compelling enough for the Supreme Court of BC to make an order acknowledging my paternity. For a daughter I am not permitted to know. In direct contravention of a Supreme Court of Canada order pursuant to the Trociuk decision in June of 2003.

Nearly two years ago I donned my cape and took to the skies in Burnaby BC Canada in search for justice for all those who know the pain and suffering of being alienated from their kin. On May 22, 2004 I scaled the tower crane at Middle Gate Mall in Burnaby BCon a dark and rainy night dressed as Batman and remained perilously perched upon it for 18 hours in protest.

In March of 2005 I scaled the Victoria Legislature.

The rest is history. History that is about to repeat itself once more..................

On May 18/2004, four days before my fateful climb I wrote a letter (included as an attachment) that would hopefully explain my actions in the event of my untimely demise. A letter that still rings true to this day............ As such I have included it once more in the event of tragedy............

In Solidarity Forever: Rob R - Batman -

a letter from my dear friend Burnaby Batman-
(in the event of his demise)

I am writing this letter to be made public to all. I have decided it is time to don my cape and take to the skies in search of Justice for all fathers who know the horrors of being eradicated from their children’s lives compliments of your friendly neighborhood family courts. I have exhausted all means of ever achieving Justice or ever knowing my 5 year old daughter Rachel May Nitura so long as evil deeds are sanctioned by not only our Supreme Courts but our Legislators also. In a desperate attempt to restore common sense and dignity I make this stand. I am of the belief that when my society is more irrational than my circumstances it is time to do something about it. So in an effort to resurrect my shattered life and to be the voice of reason on my daughter’s behalf I will take to the skies in search of justice.

I am a father who was deceived in marriage as well as fatherhood. I am legally married to a woman I have never cohabited with who had and gave my child to another man which included listing him as the biological father.

In December 1999 after nine months of residing in apartment set up for my wife and child, my wife assuring me we would be together as a family and baiting me faithfully with my little girl, no changes were forth coming. I initiated legal action in an attempt to make right the wrongs and to have my paternity and my relationship with my daughter established.

In June of 2000 before Justice Cole of the SCBC a child support payment was issued to me based on the conclusive DNA evidence I presented establishing my paternity. In my notice of motion I asked that I be officially recognized as my daughter’s biological father, that the other man be ordered stricken from the birth registration and that I have time with my daughter.

The Defendant (mother) Corrina Helmer proclaimed to the court that my daughter and she did not know me or have any relationship with me. This was a lie. She further proclaimed her and her common law, Dan Nitura were the happy parents of my daughter.

At this same time, Corrina was proclaiming to our social and economic system that she was separated, with child, without even the basic necessities. Corrina availed herself of all the benefits available to her and as such defrauded many government ministries in the process. Because of legal evidence provided by me, she was also caught for the same.

Justice Cole swept aside my petition to have the other man removed from the birth registration of my daughter and would not officially recognize me as the biological father. Justice Cole further ordered me to pay child support based on the same DNA evidence and ordered me to supervised visits with my daughter without any show of harm. He further indicated, as legal evidence will validate that this access should only need to be supervised for two months.

After four months of supervised access, most of which faithfully denied (In spite of court order.) by Corrina Helmer and no transition into denied unsupervised access I again found myself before Justice Cole of the SCBC in October 04, 2000. This was the day that my faith in our justice system was broken. Once more I was also asking the other man be stricken from the birth registration and my paternity recognized. As well as my unsupervised visits.

Thanks to false allegations of domestic violence, fabricated evidence, and theatrics performed by the defendant’s new parasite lawyer Barry J Promislow from MacQuarrie Hobkirk Barristers & Solicitors. Suite 2020 – 777 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC Canada V6Z – 1T7, Phone - (604) 684 – 6255, Fax (604) 684 – 7575, E Mail, web site –

I was slammed to hell and my motion dismissed.

Immediately after my daughter’s mother completely cut off my access to my little girl. After 4 weeks this denied supervised access was reinstated with another hearing before Cole in November 27, 2000. The defendant claimed that she was unaware that access was to continue after the initial two-month order. Barry J Promislow indicated that since I had never petitioned the court for new access then it was reasonable to conclude that the initial 2 month trial period was up and therefore I was to get none.

Meanwhile while this was going on I was continually fighting with the Vital Statistics Agency of BC to recognize my paternity and strike the other man from the birth registration. This included submitting the DNA and filing all the necessary forms and fees with no reasonable resolution forth coming. I began the process to correct my daughters birth registration in 1999. My BC Vital Stats file summary brief clearly depicts initiatives taken by me in this regard.

In February 2001, with a pending court hearing on the horizon and a section 15 report underway by forensic physiologist Dr. Michael Elterman. Corrina, in another desperate attempt to alienate me from my child, reported to the authorities that I had sexually abused my then 2 year old daughter during a supervised access visit at her mothers home with three supervisors present and an access visit Corrina was not in attendance of. I was then to be investigated for 6 months by the RCMP. I was denied access again in spite of court order at the direction of parasite Barry J Promislow.

As a copy of the truncated police report I obtained through the Freedom of information act will indicate, the allegations were found to be completely unfounded and made in a malicious manner. The section 15 report by Dr. Michael Elterman concluded in favor of my parenting of my daughter and raised serious speculation to Corrina Helmer’s judgement. It should also be known at this time I had completed several parenting courses, was an experienced tradesman and a volunteer fire fighter in my local community.

In June of 2001 after having been denied access to my daughter faithfully the defendant Corrina Helmer applied to the Provincial court to have a restraining order cited against me. Once more using false allegations and neglecting to mention in her application to the Provincial Court that we were already in Supreme Court on Divorce related issues. I then found myself in the Supreme and Provincial Courts for a spell until her deceptive application was found out and later dismissed in trial (Provincial Court), leaving us to continue in Supreme Court. Interesting that there was no legal recourse as a result of her deceptions.

At this same time the defendant’s attorney hired a private investigator to run me off the ranch to no avail. Obstruction of justice I believe is the criminal code for it.

When these attempts failed the mother Corrina Helmer just cut my denied supervised access off altogether. The last time I was permitted to see my daughter was July 2, 2001. Rachel had just turned three years old. The last time I saw her was for 29 minutes in Burger King before she was once again torn away from me by the mother’s contemptuous sister Debra Nessbit.

In September of 2001 after many on going communications with BC Vital Statistics and the Ministry of Health I was contacted by the Honorable Minister of Health, Collin Hansen who assisted me and later brought about the other man being stricken from the birth registration of my daughter. (Four years later.)

I was to be further informed by the Minister that I needed a court order from the court in order to recognize my paternity in spite of DNA evidence.

In November of 2001 I came before Justice Slade of the New Westminster Supreme Court BC Canada to obtain that order with the letter from the Minister of Health submitted into evidence. I also brought all my evidence before him of all that had occurred substantiating all the claims I was making. This included police report; section 15 report, legal evidence to her frauds, audio taped conversations of my attempts to gain access to my daughter and the abusive actions of the mother to thwart my court ordered access.

Within my Notice of Motion I was asking that the mother be found in contempt of court for blatantly denying me my access 85% of the time, I was further asking that the court acknowledge my paternity based on the same DNA evidence that compelled them to issue me child support payments, that the other man be stricken from the birth registration, and that I be able to spend time with my daughter again with a police enforcement clause attached to that access.

Justice Slade refused to make an order acknowledging my paternity, refused to order the other man stricken from the birth registration, stuck the contempt motion, reinstated my access again to be supervised and promised to be the enforcement of my access.

By December 2001 as a direct result of my continual efforts and the honorable Minister of Health Collin Hansen, the other man was removed from my daughter’s birth registration and the registration officially cancelled as a result of the mothers negligence to even respond to the Vital Statistics Agency.

January 2002 I found myself again before Justice Slade having not been permitted my access to my daughter and again raising the same paternity issues. Justice Slade in turn reduced my denied access to even less than it was already which was two days a week for three hours a visit to 3 visits a month for two hours each. To be in a facility that had a $30.00 an hour policy, prepaid in advance, with a no money back guarantee should the child not show up. In spite of overwhelming evidence showing the mother was in contempt of an access order. Hello? What’s wrong with this picture and might this be deemed a little cruel and unusual given the same? To add insult to injury he granted the defendant’s request that I would not be permitted to make up any time lost. He further would have nothing to do with the paternity issues and was concerned that I seemed agitated by the injustice I was fortunate enough to be bestowed. This was the last effort I made in the courts to find equal justice and after having been in the courts both Provincial and Supreme since 1999 I knew that there was no way in hell I would ever see my little girl again as the BC family Courts endorsed and empowered vindictive mothers to systematically remove fathers from their children’s lives.

In June of 2002 with my daughter’s birth registration still officially cancelled, I filed for a new birth registration for my little girl as the mother had failed to do so. I submitted the DNA evidence again, a copy of the marriage license again showing I was the legal spouse of the mother, and asked they waive the fee in light that they had already ripped me off for $56.00 and had done nothing. I was soon to receive a notice saying thanks for applying and come back when I have a court order recognizing my paternity.

Several weeks after this event I was to learn through follow up that the mother’s lawyer had intervened and counseled his client to violate the constitution of Canada and the Charter of rights and freedoms by officially un-acknowledging my paternity as a solution.

In August of 2002 I filed a complaint with my ombudsman against both the BC Vital Statistics Agency and the Law Society. The BC Ombudsman’s office indicated that my circumstances were not unreasonable in a democratic society.

On June 4, 2003, in a Supreme Court of Canada decision overturning the BC Supreme and Appeal Courts decision the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in the “Trociuk’ case that for a mother to arbitrarily deny the particulars of a biological father based only on a whim as was allowed under portions of the BC Vital Statistics Act was in direct contravention of the Constitution of Canada and section 15(1) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Citing discrimination based on gender and ordered that the BC Provincial Legislators had one year to amend the BC Vital Statistics Act to not discriminate or it would be of no force or effect.

As recent submitted proposed changes to the BC Vital statistics Act will suggest the discrimination is to continue. Leaving the final authority in the hands of the BC Supreme Court who has already ruled in favor of discriminating against fathers. Kind of like asking the fox to guard the hen house I think.

December 1, 2003, I filed an official complaint with the BC Human Rights Tribunal against her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of BC, Ministry of Health, Vital Statistics, Corrina Helmer, Barry J Promislow, Dan Nitura, Justice Cole, Justice Slade, BC Vital Stats Regional Manager Bill Moncour, and former CEO and director of vital Stats R.J. Danderfer for discrimination.

In April 2004 the BC Human Rights Tribunal informed me that since it had been 11 months since the last time I was discriminated against they would not accept my complaint.

As it stands I have not been permitted to see my little girl in three years and no longer even know where she lives in spite of a court order saying my daughter is not permitted out of the lower mainland of BC Canada.

To date I am denied a relationship with my child, ordered to pay support for her and officially unrecognized as her biological father compliments of the Canada BC Supreme Court. Don’t it make you proud to be a Canadian?

So for those who may be wondering why I have donned a Batman’s costume and taken to the skies of Vancouver I hope this helps to explain my actions. All I ever wanted was to have my little girl in my life the way she was supposed to be. Why in hell does that have to be so complicated?

Batman – Robert Robinson

For more information visit

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Fathers4Justice and Another Place

I'm happy to report that the original Fathers4Justice in the UK is back at it again...but this time on the ground instead of up on a building or bridge.

From the August 24 Daily Post:

FORTY of Antony Gormley's Another Place statues were dressed in superhero costumes yesterday as Fathers 4 Justice mounted a protest on Crosby beach. more here


Messages were attached, quoting statistics such as: "100 children lose contact with their fathers every day because of the family courts." Another read:: "100 men commit suicide every year as a direct result of the Child Support Agency."

Mike Green, Liverpool branch coordinator, said the group chose to decorate 40 statues because 40% of fathers who go through the family courts lose contact with their children within eight years.

He added: "The artwork is very apt for our cause. There are 100 men looking out to sea, and we are looking out for our children because they are in another place as well."

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Good news regarding VAWA

Good news regarding VAWA:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As you may have noted I have been a tad quiet lately. That is because after the July 19 Senate Judiciary Com. Hearing I had to take a break to prepare for the Delaware Bar Exam which was July 25-27. Then I had some mandatory stuff up in NJ for new admittees and then I had to go to Chicago for the ABA convention. On that last item I am pleased to announce I have been appointed to the ABA Family Law Section DV Committee. For the first time that Committee will now have a voice speaking for male victims. The tea party is over.

As for our work on the VAWA in Wash. D.C. goes, one reason I felt I could take this break is because the hard work, the critical work was done. We had commitments from the right people in the House that we would get the gender neutral clause in there regarding funding and that they would be extracting the gender specific references in the legislation.

Meanwhile, I had met with the key people in the Senate and was being given clear indications that they would also deliver. Additionally, the raising of the issue of male victims by several Senators, including Chairman Specter and Sen. Hatch (and subsequently and in response, by Sen. Biden) at the Senate Jud. Com. Hearing was clear evidence to me that those individuals had talked to their bosses.

Subsequently, as many of you know, the House Judiciary Com. introduced it's own legislation (the appropriations legislation) bypassing the unfavorable legislation introduced by Mark Green (which my person had told me they were going to do) which with for all intents and purposes, contained precisely the language we had been seeking. Additionally, they had taken out many of the references to female victims (in section titles though not completely in the sections text). Moreover, they mandated a GAO study designed to determine not only the extent of male victimization but the availability and provisioning of services to them (and we all know that is near zero).

So I am very pleased with what has been accomplished in the House. Showing my pride and vanity I must acknowledge that I take significant satisfaction in seeing that the language they used in the "Clarification" (nondiscrimination) section though reworded into legislative style language is a boilerplate version of what I, at their request, provided them and that I argued all along was doable (as opposed to the unrealistic language others were pushing including pro-rating of funding between male and female victims).

Even more, the language ordering the GAO study was specifically drafted by me (also at their request) so as to preclude the feminists from manipulating the GAO study . Again, it is vanity but it is pretty cool to see your own work incorporated into federal legislation. especially when initially "my person" indicated they don't normally direct the GAO how to conduct a study. Obviously when I replied by explaining the necessity for specific directions and how the feminists would manipulate the study if we did not, they accepted my position.

The bottom line is that the strategy I articulated last Fall and we began to implement this February has worked.


We look pretty darn good in the House. We got everything we asked for. We just didn't get everything we would like. But we asked for what was possible (as opposed to impossible) and as a consequence we succeeded despite certain people sending out frenzied alarmist e-mails back in early July that the Republicans were going to "fast track" the legislation and stab us in the back. And despite those who scream and rail against anything but complete sunsetting of VAWA which is so unrealistic as to reflect a total lack of understanding of the political realities.


We don't have the actual language yet but I touched base with one of my two key contacts today and we are in pretty good shape there. I expect us to have as good a result in the Senate as in the House.

Incidentally, I thought the legislation might be acted on as soon as the Congress returns but because the Roberts hearings begin the first day back my guy is saying it probably won't be focused on until mid to late mid Sept. Meanwhile, I really think everyone should just cool their heals. There really is nothing left to be done except for me to keep tabs on what's happening, try to shape and mold the Senate language and keep a watchful eye. This is not legislation that will be effected by the members of the Senate or the House at large. The VAWA Reauthorization will be whatever the handful of players within the Jud. Committees make it to be.


Ed Bartlett and his RADAR people did a great job of beating the drum (though occasionally the passion overrode the restraint that successful politics sometimes equires). And Ed was one of those people who stepped up to the plate to contribute to the billboard campaign more than once.

Dave Roberts and Mike Mc Cormick made a significant contribution, especially early on, when they contributed to the billboard campaign, used their Liberator newspaper to publicize what we were doing and Mike assisted where he could in giving me names of some of his contacts and speaking in support of our effort to people he had relationships with. It was actually a very productive and constructive cooperative effort. Unfortunately Michael has limited influence over others in his organization who when they got some free time this summer decided to try their hand at lobbying and left poop on the floor that we had to clean up and then started taking credit for our work.

The Men's Health Network made a significant contribution toward the production and rental of our last billboard that publicized Biden's infamous statement at his 1990 Jud. Hearings condoning women's violence against men. BTW, that board went up about a week before the July 19 Senate Hearing and during the hearing Biden was talking about how his father had this absolute rule that "There was no justification for a man to ever lay a hand on a woman"... then after a brief pause he caught himself and said "Except in self-defense" Congratulations Ron Henry. LOL The Men's Health Network also provided me the intro to the one key person on the Senate Jud. Com (of the two) and that has turned out to be very productive.

MOST IMPORTANTLY though a great deal of credit has to go to Michael Robinson ( and Ken Berry and Doug Sawert) who coordinated the back office operation of this effort, kept me free to do the grunt work of banging on doors and sloughing through the Halls of Congress. And as trite as it sounds, the biggest credit goes to the dedicate people like Marc Angelucci, Lisa Scott Jan Brown, Karen Clay, Maria Sims, Tom Golden, Stan Gaver, Ray Blumhorst, Kathy Garcia, Kyle Knutson and a whole bunch more (forgive me for not naming everyone but my brain is growing tired). Very seriously, without you all's financial support and committment I would not have stayed committed to this effort. Because you all showed your support, showed that it meant as much to you as it did to me I was motivated to keep traveling to DC, put aside most of my personal and professional life and get this thing done. Additionally, all of you who responded when we asked you to e-mail and fax members of Congress (and who listened to our directions and wrote reasoned, rational messages) made a powerful contribution. Those efforts made the people inside understand that there were people out there who cared about thjis issue.

We still have a way to go. The check has been written but it hasn't cleared the bank yet. Nevertheless,. I believe the check is good and we need only bide our time.

Best Regards to All,
Dave Burroughs

SB 1082 (CA's military parents bill) has passed and enrolled!

I'm happy to report that SB 1082,
California's military parents bill,
has passed and enrolled!

Some bits from MensNewsDaily:

It’s an inhuman thought: When a soldier is sent to potentially face death in Iraq, an ex-spouse takes advantage of the situation to file suit for custody of the children, when they’re in no position to fight in court. But it happens all the time, according to Michael Robinson, a lobbyist on family court issues in California.

To date, Missouri has been the only state to pass a law to protect Reservists and Guard Members from child support arrears, as they go from high-paying civilian jobs to lower pay on the front lines of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Legislation to protect troops from vindictive or greedy ex-spouses was introduced two years in a row in Illinois, failing both times. There is also legislation pending in New York that appears to be headed for defeat, and Michigan was denied having a bill even being introduced this year.

The bill Robinson helped shepherd, SB 1082, was authored by Senators Bill Morrow and Denise Ducheny, along with 28 co-authors from both houses.

In April 2004, Robinson worked with Stan Diorio, the former chief of staff for Assemblyman Rod Wright, to shop the concept of the legislation around the state capitol.

Robinson and other supporters of the legislation are troubled the problem isn’t being addressed in other parts of the country at the level it is in California.

“These men and women in our military are going into harm’s way to cover our backs and the least we can do is cover theirs,” Robinson says. “There is no danger for us to do so. For them, it’s their life at stake. We can’t let special interests get in the way, or allow politics to dictate or impede elected officials at all levels from doing the right thing. We have to act now, not later.”

read the entire article here

more info:

Monday, August 22, 2005

Senator Clinton, please don't let me down.

Senator Clinton,

You say you care about children. You say you want what is in their best interest. I have faith that you mean this.

I know that you, or at least someone on your staff, know something about me. And you're about to learn more since you've come to my blog. I want you to also know that I truly appreciate the phone call from your office today. That phone call gave me hope.

Please meet with John. If his arrests cause you concern, I offer myself in his place. Please, read this and look at this. I would love a meeting.

Teri Stoddard
a very concerned single mom and grandmother in California

BLOG ANNOUNCEMENT: F4F is having layout problems.
If you're looking for the side panel please scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

equal means equal

I joined the fathers' and family rights movement to make equality in child custody a reality. During the last three years I have seen other areas where men are discriminated against. One of them is domestic violence prevention and treatment. I prefer promoting shared parenting on this blog, and I resent organizations that state they exist to promote shared parenting but actually have other agendas, (more on that later). But now I want to address the inequity of the Violence Against Women Act.

I was reading Cathy Young's piece, “Ending bias in domestic assault law” in the July issue of The Globe. In her discription of VAWA she said, “the legislation requires states and jurisdictions eligible for federal domestic violence grants not only to encourage arrests in domestic assault cases, but also to ''discourage dual arrest of the offender and the victim." This provision is based on the false belief that in cases of mutual violence, one can nearly always draw a clear line between the aggressor and the victim striking back in self-defense. While the language is ostensibly gender-neutral, the assumption is that the aggressor is male; the feminist groups which pushed for this clause made no secret of the fact that its goal was to curb arrests of women.”

Being an egalitarian, reading these words, “the feminist groups which pushed for this clause made no secret of the fact that its goal was to curb arrests of women," disturbs me.

She went on to say, “The law has also created a symbiotic relationship between the federal government and the battered women's advocacy movement, which is heavily permeated by radical feminist ideology. The state coalitions against domestic violence, which formally require member organizations to embrace the feminist analysis of abuse as patriarchal coercion, play a vital role in the allocation of federal grants and in overseeing the implementation of programs and policies. Among other things, these groups frown on any batterer intervention programs that focus on drug and alcohol abuse or mental illness as causes of domestic violence.”

When I was in Sacramento testifying on behalf of AB1307, California’s Shared Parenting bill, I watched Mira Fox of Child Abuse Solutions misrepresent facts in her testimony to oppose it, stating statistics about child abuse and fathers that have long been debunked. She seems to believe that children need to be protected from their fathers, instead of the truth, that fathers are the least likely to abuse compared to mothers and mothers' boyfriends. Upon further investigation I found that her organization also trains court personnel. This disturbs me also.

No real feminist can support VAWA in its current gender-bias state. Until it is made gender-neutral, it is unacceptable to this egalitarian feminist. I know David Burroughs and VAWA4ALL have been working extremely hard to make this a possibility, and I’d like to see their hard work pay off for all of us.

Donations to the Tony La Russa Animal Rescue Foundation can be made here.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Please help save this little girl!

Please read below for 8/21/05 update on the CA abuse case.

Please help us help a little girl!

Judge Hilton, in San Luis Obispo, California has refused to hear evidence that a 5-year-old girl is being molested and beaten by her uncle. Why? Because the allegation is being brought to the court by her father.

The Court has ordered the girl be returned to her mother, who cannot and has not protected her from ongoing and extreme abuse. Judge Hilton has said the hearing on immenent danger/change of custody can be heard next week, AFTER the father returns the child to the mother.

Child Protective Services has REFUSED to interview the child (despite us having an insider in CPS in CA who has said that any report of abuse of child under 5 is supposed to be investigated within 2 HOURS). 8/19/05 Update- CPS now says they will investigate.

The Police have told the father that if he makes any claims of abuse agains the uncle, he will lose custody of the child, that they will make sure of it. We are investigating whether or not the uncle, with a long criminal record, is a confidential informant or has any other contacts with the police that would make them protect a child molestor.

The Guardian Ad Litem says one thing to the father's attorney and then in court says that he isn't sure if the father has coached the girl!!! He is supposed to be HER attorney, but is failing miserably and is asking that she be returned to the mother. We smell a conspiracy, or at the least, a child porn ring.

Now that the girl has made a plea for help, one she was only comfortable doing when she was in another state, where she felt she was safe enough, she is in even more immediate danger if she is returned.

The father has filed for a Temporary Restraining Order against the mother and uncle, and has a Writ of Prohibition going to the appellate court as a back up this morning in case the TRO is denied.

It isn't the first time this has happened, but this is the first time that we have all the supporting data; video tape, photos of bruises (from head to toe), and a bullet proof case.

8/19/05 Update- The TRO was denied over a technicality. A 100-page document was denied over a typo that could have been pointed out yesterday. But...When I called the courthouse today I was told it hadn't been denied, it was given back for corrections, that it could be resubmitted.

Previously the ex-wife made false allegations against the father that HE was molesting her. Once those were proven false, and the real molestor was identified, she claimed her daughter was NOT ever molested.

skip this part if you are easily offended:
It is undeniable that a five year old who understands blw jobs and money shots and scraping cm off her tounge and how to breathe with a 6 inch pnis in her mouth, has been molested. Sorry to be graphic, but that's what we are dealing with. Repeated and horrible stuff. If that doesn't raise the hackels of every parent who reads this, we don't know what will.
It's worse that even what I have written. We need help to put pressure on the powers that be to save this little girl.

8/21/05 Update-

The little girl was returned to her mother today. There will be a hearing on Wednesday to determine if she is in iminement danger and should be returned to her father for the duration of the investigation.

CPS and the Guardian Ad Litem both looked at the video tape that showed the girl asking for help and agreed that it was enough evidence for criminal charges against the uncle.

But, there was insufficient proof that the girl would be harmed with her mother, so there was no way to intervene this weekend.

Apparently a few dozen people called the local news! Thanks!

FL 02 - 0141

Child Protective Services
Child Welfare Services Division
(805) 781-1700
(805) 781-KIDS (24-hour Child Abuse Referrals)
1-800-834-5437 (24-hour toll-free Child Abuse Referrals)

William Brown - Guardian Ad Litem
San Luis Obispo Courthouse
805-781-5423 Family Court Services
805-781-5706 Family Law
805-781-5670 Criminal (who SHOULD be handling it)
805-781-5352 Juvenile (who should have taken jurisdiction when the
molestation was discovered)
805-781-4347 Judge Hilton's Clerk

San Luis Obispo District Attorney
Douglas C. Odom, Chief Investigator
Larry Hobson, Asst. Chief Investigator
William M. Hanley, Asst. Chief Investigator
(805) 781-5800

Thursday, August 18, 2005

John Murtari does the first U.S. stunt on behalf of family rights!

I was sitting in my vet's office waiting for the tranquilizer to take effect, after being called back because my dog was so scared they couldn't get near her let alone start her spay surgery, when I got the call. It was John Murtari of "I was wondering if you could do me a favor Teri", he said. He went on to say he was about to do a stunt, he couldn't reach his press person, and would I handle those duties for him. "Of course!", I replied. Not only was I thrilled to know we were finally going to have a stunt on U.S. soil, but I was going to be a part of it. John planned on climbing the 20' sculpture outside the Syracuse Federal Building.

The second call came while I was driving home. "He's up", Kelly said. So I pulled over, took the numbers to the local media, and called New York from California, happy to do my part. Luckily it didn't take long, because it turns out I was parked illegally on a college campus...oops...the officer was very nice about it.

After I arrived home John called to thank me. He was still on the sculpture with a 6 foot banner that read, "Senator Clinton - Please help us!" The police wanted him down, but he wasn't budging. He didn't think any media had shown up yet. I found out shortly after that that at least one television station had been there and gotten photos.

John, a native of Lyons, New York and a former Air Force pilot and Academy graduate is a local coordinator for He is the President of a small Internet startup company located in Baldwinsville, NY.

Please help John's efforts by contacting Senator Clinton's offices:

Syracuse Local rep, Cathy Calhoun,
tel: 315-448-0470, fax: 315-448-0476
Washington Scheduling Office, Lona Valmoro (Senior Advisor to the Senator),
tel: 202-224-4451, fax: 202-228-0121

Thank you John, from all of us.


Sunday, August 14, 2005

what a weekend!

(made ya look!)

I'd like to introduce you to a new feature on the Feminist4Fathers blog, Ask Dr Sophy. Dr. Charles Sophy serves as Medical Director for the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, and has a private psychiatry practice in Beverly Hills, California. He is board-certified in three clinical specialties, including adult psychiatry, child/adolescent psychiatry and family practice. Feel free to submit questions directly to Dr. Sophy regarding the struggles of dealing with child custody. Please add "Feminist4Fathers" to the subject line so the question and answer can appear here (anonymously).

August 14, 2005 - Ask Dr Sophy:

I am the victim of severe Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) perpetrated by my ex-wife and a victim of legal abuse perpetrated by a family court judge, attorneys and their legal system which helped permanently exile me from my kids despite no wrongdoing on my part. Despite the mother being convicted of criminal family abuse and having a long documented history of alienating my two daughters - now 16 and almost 18 - against me, a hateful, biased and corrupt family court judge punished my public opposition to him by allowing a long distance out-of-state move away of my daughters by their mother (He violated a number of laws and statutes by permitting this and appeals are fruitless - but that is another story). I - nor my entire family - have not heard from my alienated daughters for OVER AS YEAR - nothing - since the day they happily moved away with their mother. My daughters planned the move away with the mother, her attorney and the step father and kept it secret from my family and me for almost a year while being groomed to testify against us for their mother and stepfather in a kangaroo move away hearing (in our state there is a law against move aways like this if one parent objects unless there is as how of parental unfitness. The "judge" had to contrive some finding and use loopholes in the law as well as disregard others to usurp my parental rights, which he did). My children were made to use the matter of the mother's arrest and conviction against me and the mother and her attorneys made them believe that although I was victimized [the mother broke into my house, took my daughter away from me on my time, assaulted me in my house after breaking in, then hit me with her car speeding away] it was somehow my fault and not her's (that the mother was arrested, jailed and convicted) . They have chronically have been taught by their mother - and their stepfather who we believe is guilty of sexually abusing my youngest daughter - to disrespect, ridicule, and hate me and all my family. It is much worse than this but I will not detail any more. So, how do I deal with my devastation over this, my persistent hurt, anger and rage? I find it too hard to concentrate at work or be productive or motivated or be happy anymore despite a new life away from them (I have a second wife and we have a 4 year old son who my daughters scorned before they moved and ignored him entirely - despite the inexplicable fact he still loves and admires them). What do I do about my daughters? How do I cope with all this, their outrageous rejection of me and my entire family and their total replacement of me as their father with an abusive interloper? My present wife and my mother (their 83 year old grandmother) want nothing to do with them.

Dear Sir,

Your story is quite distressing in many ways. As you state you must move on from the legal issues that have now become water under the bridge.If in fact they are, so be sure the court has done ALL that can be done. What you need to reconcile with-in yourself is that you did all you possibly could have done to protect those relationships with your children. And once you are confident of that and in treatment, with good clear direction and support, worked through the rage, hurt etc..Also mourned this loss which is very difficult for many reasons The most significant that the possibility will always exist that your children may seek you out at a later time in their life as they mature and see things in a different perspective.Nonetheless, you are suffering on a daily basis from symptoms that are preventing your life from growth and enjoyment. Several things should be in place for you. Therapy (individual,and/or group), medication if necessary to function, support from your family and friends ( family with similar feelings need to address them as well or no one will move forward), and another great tool many of my patients have found very useful for many aspects of these feelings has been acupuncture.

Please feel free to write to me any of your thoughts or questions you may have, or things you may my need assistance with. Take care. Dr. Sophy @

Before The Fact

Are you interested in attending a screening of the documentary Before The Fact, August 17th, in Los Angeles, California, then participating in an honest discussion about domestic violence, moderated by Adryenn Ashley, Executive Director of the Family Alliance Council? If so, send me an email.

Marc Rudov, a prominent men's advocate, will be interviewed on the radio program, "Full Power Living" this Tuesday at 9 am PST. Marc is the author of the book The Man's No-Nonsense Guide to Women, and has been active in the struggle to reform the marriage/child support laws. The program can be accessed on worldtalkradio and requires Windows Media Player to access the audio stream. The program is interactive, and urges listeners to call in, toll-free, at: 877-514-7300 Once you access the station, click on "Full Power Living" to access the audio stream. For more information, go to emotionalpro.

I'd also like to direct you to the new and improved Shared Parenting Works website. SPW offers free parenting plans and research, and welcomes contributions of different parenting plans and research. If you own or run an organization that deals with shared parenting or child custody please participate in the survey. You can copy it from this page or request one from me.

I'd like to end by thanking all of my dear friends in the fathers' and family rights movement, worldwide. Your dedication, honesty, integrity and support have made it possible for me to laugh off emails like the one I got yesterday from another activist calling me a feminazi. And to the owner of the internet network for fathers who refuses to let me post as long as I am using the title Feminist4Fathers, "Shouldn't the people who are fighting for constitutional rights also be the ones supporting my right to free speech?"

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

"Are we there yet?"

I'd like to thank David Giles in Canada for the comments on his Silence No More blog about my friend Tom Porter at Vision4Children.

David says:

"We must become a united front, locally, regionally and nationally, for our voices to be heard, to help each other in our struggles to allow our children to be raised equally by both parents, and to effectively lobby for changes to existing legislation. We must put aside our bitterness and anger and be inclusive to all parents, regardless of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or any other trait that one might not agree with. If we are unable to overcome these barriers, I fear that we will yet again lose another generation to fatherlessness."

I agree with you David.

full post

I'd also like to thank Dr. Charles Sophy with the Keep Them Off My Couch! blog for this helpful post on teaching good communication skills to children.


As parents, we strive to address all of the questions asked by our children. If we don’t have the answer, or don’t like the question, we would never think of ignoring the child. We do not accept improper communication as acceptable behavior. Most parents, however, are quick to excuse or overlook the behavior of their child when he / she reacts the same way and are often left wondering when the lines of communication broke.

If your child has already grown accustomed to this style of communication, here are some essentials to assist you in addressing the situation:

Talk: To your child, and explain to them in age-appropriate terms how they are communicating and why it doesn’t work.

Show: Your child how to communicate effectively, even when the questions are hard. Role-play a conversation to show them a more effective way to communicate.

Practice: Be sure you are aware of yourself and the way in which you communicate to others. Children model adult behaviors. Be sure you are not guilty of poor patterns of communication with your spouse or parenting partner.

Be Consistent: Be constant in the manner in which you communicate with you child. Send the same message with each and every interaction. Allow your child to see that you will call their attention to those times that the unwanted behavior rears its ugly head.

Remember: Kids will be kids and they will sometimes be distractive and non-communicative. You are the expert in knowing your child’s behavior and can best judge the improvement in their communications. The best way to ensure healthy communication patterns is to model positive communication skills.

full article

He's got another good post on helping your children handle divorce.

Don't get me wrong, I support and appreciate the work being done by Planned Parenthood, but I have to agree with others who have come out against the new promotional video featuring "superhero" Dianysis. They're saying this video is hateful, and I agree. The hypocrisy was almost too much to bear. Here was a woman supposedly standing up for freedom , yet she killed a man when his only crime was having a different opinion than hers. Here was a woman criticizing intimidation and violence, yet she dipped a man in acid. She proclaims to him, "No one is above the law." Uh...Dianysis, that includes you. My superhero friends stand up for truth, justice, and equality, and they do not harm anyone. I resent Planned Parenthood for tarnishing their image. You, Dianysis, are NO superhero!

I would include the link to the movie...but it has been removed from the website.

(My heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Lionel Richards, a dedicated crusader from Australia, who passed away Saturday at the young age of 58 due to a heart attack.)

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Open letter to Red Giant Productions on Hulk bashingide

have a listen

You must believe...
Never Give Up mp3 (will take you away from this page)
Never Give Up real player audio (will open Real Player)

Mark of Red Giant Productions,

I recently came across your short film Reality Round Up on ifilm I was excited to see a short film about superheroes, since I have some as friends. Any time that I find a new way to spread our message of children's rights I am happy. At one point, where you had a superhero couple playing in The Amazing Race, I was laughing out loud. I couldn't wait to share this with fellow family rights advocates and activists.

I saw the part about The Hulk. I was looking forward to it, because I have a friend who is The Hulk, and he risked life, limb and liberty to raise awareness of children's rights. I wanted to show him this funny film to give him a laugh in thanks for his sacrifices.

But I can't do that Mark. You showed The Hulk losing his temper towards children in a grocery store, something I might expect from a man-hating radical gender feminist. I'm saddened.

Let me guess, you support VAWA's gender bias too, right?

Hey listen, I've got some friends out your way. Richar Farr Of Krights Radio just moved to Colorado. I'm sure he'd be happy to let you in on the realities of gender bias and the negative images of men that already permiate our society. And my friends at Colorado Fathers, they can tell you how these things are affecting the relationships between fit loving fathers and their children.

One group anxious to solve this is Vision4Children. Here's their blog. To see that it's not just a problem in Colorado, listen to Glenn Sacks on the His Side radio show. And to see that it is a worldwide problem, look at all of the links on my blog.

And finally, I hope you'll join with us. I'd love to see you do a film that helps kids. Again, that Amazing Race piece was fabulous.

Teri Stoddard