F4F exclusive! KAPOW! New F4J-CA video! / NH news / EP Week in NY
I'm happy to share with you a message I received from my dear friend Burnaby Batman, which includes a never-before-seen video.....
Greetings Liberators from Vancouver BC Canada and the Burnaby Batman...
On March 25, 2005 (Good Friday) in a joint effort between Vancouver BC and our Provincial capital, Victoria BC activists, several cunning stunts were executed in Victoria BC Canada bringing Fathers-4-Justice-Canada to Victoria BC. Stunts carried out by a team of dedicated activists I am proud to call friends and comrades. A team second-to-none of first class individuals, committed to the betterment of mankind.

These stunts under the Fathers4Justice-Canada flag included:
Commandeering the Johnston Street bridge with the BC Hulk and the Flash.
Scaling of the Victoria BC Legislature by the Burnaby Bat and Robin QC.
Scaling the Victoria BC Supreme court and hanging a banner from it by Superman and the Green Lantern.
The planting of 5 large crosses at the Anglican church with "In The Name Of The Father" upon them.
All stunts occurring within a half hour of each other.
Another crucial component to our team was Chris and Natasha from BigandSmall Productions who were there to capture these events for memories to last a life time. A professional and dedicated film team who have no problem leaping into the mouth of danger to capture the same. A film team working pro bono to aid us in our plight, willing to put it all on the line.
As such Chris Ayers and Natasha Warren captured our pre stunt brief, ladder practice, and the execution of the Bat and Robin upon the legislature building....all after midnight, lol....
In the course of events their footage was seized by authorities and not released until sometime later. A cooling off period you could say. Long enough to insure this footage never saw the light of day.....
Needless to say compliments of BigandSmall Productions, Chris and Natasha having since edited the footage and are pleased to invite you to their video vault at BigandSmall Productions.
Too view this footage for the first time...click here. Then click the Hulk photo at the top left.
For those interested they also have it in DVD specially packaged with menu items etc for $20.00 to help cover some of the costs of production. A wonderful keepsake to say the least. For those interested and I will include their contact information:
Chris Ayers - chris@bigandsmall.ca - (604)835-3980
Natasha Warrens - natasha@bigandsmall.ca - (604)835-5980
I am not one to ever promote anything that costs us money as if your like me you are probably already poor. I only mention it because of the integrity of those who went to such great lengths to provide us with such memories to last a life time and out of the goodness of their own hearts.
I am also confident that Chris and Natasha would gladly donate a portion of the proceeds back into F4J-Canada or a charity of our choosing.
As such for those who do want a copy the Burnaby Batman and I'm sure Robin QC would be happy to personally sign each DVD.
Nonetheless enjoy the clip. It is about 45 minutes in length. The resolution of the clip is not the greatest and the DVD much better. At any rate it is action-packed and as real as it gets at any resolution.
When viewing this clip be bearing in mind that another diversion team of 8 guys was out back of the legislature building with another dedicated comrade who was stripping down to his boxers to swim in the pond. This was the action that drew many of the security to the rear of the building only leaving two security out front and two more in the building when Batman and Robin scaled the structure.
It should also be mentioned that at this time the BC Hulk (Kevin Christiaens) and the Flash were already at the top of the Johnston street bridge.
In Solidarity Forever - Canada's First Batman
Rob Robinson - Burnaby Bat
Here's a news item about Andy Srougi's Fathers4Justice action this past Monday.
Those of you in New Hampshire might be interested in speaking with Senator Santorum this Sunday:
Constitution Day 2005 Dinner Celebration
presented by the New Hampshire Center for Constitutional Studies
Sunday, September 25, 2005 noon-9 pm
Grappone Center
70 Constitution Avenue
Concord, New Hampshire MAP
For more information call 603-679-1320
Also see: NHCustody.org and NH Custody/VAWA
Also in New Hampshire:
Meet with the NH Citizen's Commission on the Status of State Courts co-chairs Will Abbott and Kathy Eneguess and father advocates at
West Congregational Church
499 North State St.
Concord, New Hampshire MAP
Sunday, Oct. 2, 2005, 4-7 pm.
For more information contact:
Rep. David A. Bickford
(603) 859-7899
September 26-October 2nd is Equal Parents Week!
more info
The Coalition of Fathers and Families NY, Inc. with the Children's Rights Council, as International Sponsor, invites all ORGANIZATIONS and FAMILY MEMBERS throughout the world to unite their voices in making the message of Equal Parents' Week, "The Best Parent Is Both Parents" an international mandate.
Candle Light Vigil and Rally
Thursday, September 29, 2005 at 7:00 PM
Albany, New York Location –
New York State Capitol West Park
( State St. and Central Ave. – on the steps )
For more information contact Debby Fellows
Debby Fellows - Fathers and Families New York
New York Civil Rights Council
Greetings Liberators from Vancouver BC Canada and the Burnaby Batman...
On March 25, 2005 (Good Friday) in a joint effort between Vancouver BC and our Provincial capital, Victoria BC activists, several cunning stunts were executed in Victoria BC Canada bringing Fathers-4-Justice-Canada to Victoria BC. Stunts carried out by a team of dedicated activists I am proud to call friends and comrades. A team second-to-none of first class individuals, committed to the betterment of mankind.

These stunts under the Fathers4Justice-Canada flag included:
Commandeering the Johnston Street bridge with the BC Hulk and the Flash.
Scaling of the Victoria BC Legislature by the Burnaby Bat and Robin QC.
Scaling the Victoria BC Supreme court and hanging a banner from it by Superman and the Green Lantern.
The planting of 5 large crosses at the Anglican church with "In The Name Of The Father" upon them.
All stunts occurring within a half hour of each other.
Another crucial component to our team was Chris and Natasha from BigandSmall Productions who were there to capture these events for memories to last a life time. A professional and dedicated film team who have no problem leaping into the mouth of danger to capture the same. A film team working pro bono to aid us in our plight, willing to put it all on the line.
As such Chris Ayers and Natasha Warren captured our pre stunt brief, ladder practice, and the execution of the Bat and Robin upon the legislature building....all after midnight, lol....
In the course of events their footage was seized by authorities and not released until sometime later. A cooling off period you could say. Long enough to insure this footage never saw the light of day.....
Needless to say compliments of BigandSmall Productions, Chris and Natasha having since edited the footage and are pleased to invite you to their video vault at BigandSmall Productions.
Too view this footage for the first time...click here. Then click the Hulk photo at the top left.
For those interested they also have it in DVD specially packaged with menu items etc for $20.00 to help cover some of the costs of production. A wonderful keepsake to say the least. For those interested and I will include their contact information:
Chris Ayers - chris@bigandsmall.ca - (604)835-3980
Natasha Warrens - natasha@bigandsmall.ca - (604)835-5980
I am not one to ever promote anything that costs us money as if your like me you are probably already poor. I only mention it because of the integrity of those who went to such great lengths to provide us with such memories to last a life time and out of the goodness of their own hearts.
I am also confident that Chris and Natasha would gladly donate a portion of the proceeds back into F4J-Canada or a charity of our choosing.
As such for those who do want a copy the Burnaby Batman and I'm sure Robin QC would be happy to personally sign each DVD.
Nonetheless enjoy the clip. It is about 45 minutes in length. The resolution of the clip is not the greatest and the DVD much better. At any rate it is action-packed and as real as it gets at any resolution.
When viewing this clip be bearing in mind that another diversion team of 8 guys was out back of the legislature building with another dedicated comrade who was stripping down to his boxers to swim in the pond. This was the action that drew many of the security to the rear of the building only leaving two security out front and two more in the building when Batman and Robin scaled the structure.
It should also be mentioned that at this time the BC Hulk (Kevin Christiaens) and the Flash were already at the top of the Johnston street bridge.
In Solidarity Forever - Canada's First Batman
Rob Robinson - Burnaby Bat
Here's a news item about Andy Srougi's Fathers4Justice action this past Monday.
Those of you in New Hampshire might be interested in speaking with Senator Santorum this Sunday:

presented by the New Hampshire Center for Constitutional Studies
Sunday, September 25, 2005 noon-9 pm
Grappone Center
70 Constitution Avenue
Concord, New Hampshire MAP
For more information call 603-679-1320
Also see: NHCustody.org and NH Custody/VAWA
Also in New Hampshire:
Meet with the NH Citizen's Commission on the Status of State Courts co-chairs Will Abbott and Kathy Eneguess and father advocates at
West Congregational Church
499 North State St.
Concord, New Hampshire MAP
Sunday, Oct. 2, 2005, 4-7 pm.
For more information contact:
Rep. David A. Bickford
(603) 859-7899
September 26-October 2nd is Equal Parents Week!
more info
The Coalition of Fathers and Families NY, Inc. with the Children's Rights Council, as International Sponsor, invites all ORGANIZATIONS and FAMILY MEMBERS throughout the world to unite their voices in making the message of Equal Parents' Week, "The Best Parent Is Both Parents" an international mandate.
Candle Light Vigil and Rally
Thursday, September 29, 2005 at 7:00 PM
Albany, New York Location –
New York State Capitol West Park
( State St. and Central Ave. – on the steps )
For more information contact Debby Fellows
Debby Fellows - Fathers and Families New York
New York Civil Rights Council
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